Science Classroom Outreach Program for Educators


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What is the ZEISS SCOPEs Grant?

Program Description

Many teachers across the country are facing the new challenge of educating students through remote learning. The need for creative lesson planning is particularly acute in science classrooms because of the need for hands-on laboratories or live demonstrations that supplement traditional lectures.

In order to help teachers and students keep pace with their curricula, Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC has announced the Science Classroom Outreach Program for Educators Grant, or the ZEISS SCOPEs Grant.

Who can apply for this grant?

K-12 science teachers needing a solution to help their students continue their education in a socially distant environment.
Any K-12 school in the United States offering microscopy science curricula.

What do you get?

Win a ZEISS classroom microscope package with an optical microscope, digital camera, and software.  Choose from two microscope models for a variety of subjects ZEISS Primo Star or ZEISS Stemi 305

How does it work?

Each month a winner will be selected from the applications.
If you have applied previously and your school district has not won, your application is still valid.

Our final awardees were awarded September 30, 2021.
Thank you for your participation in the SCOPEs grant program.

In 2021, ZEISS donated two Primo Star microscopes with mounted Axiocam cameras to White Plains High School, the neighboring school to ZEISS North American Headquarters.

Here's what the teachers had to say:

“The ZEISS equipment is an incredibly valuable resource – It helps kids feel like they’re getting authentic science at a time when it's a challenge to do so.”
Dr. Margaret Hawthorne Doty, Coordinator of Science and Engineering


“Many of my students are already on health science career paths. Putting these types of tools in front of them at the earliest possible stage does a lot of good.”
Omar Sharif – 9th grade

“With this tool, whether participating in virtual labs or using microscopes in school, all students will be seeing and observing the same thing.”
Jorge Gonzales – 9th grade


“The high resolution microscope images provide a much more vivid view to help them identify characteristics. Students could pass them along, share samples, and have advanced images to put in their documentation.”
Cissy Johnson – 9th & 12th grade

The successful implementation of the microscopes at White Plains High School is what led ZEISS to create the SCOPEs Grant opportunity.

SCOPEs Grant Recipients

  • Powerful digital classroom microscopes support science teachers facing the challenge of educating students through distance learning

  • Powerful digital classroom microscopes support science teachers facing the challenge of educating students through distance learning

  • Powerful digital classroom microscopes support science teachers facing the challenge of educating students through distance learning

  • Powerful digital classroom microscopes support science teachers facing the challenge of educating students through distance learning

  • Powerful digital classroom microscopes support science teachers facing the challenge of educating students through distance learning

  • Powerful digital classroom microscopes support science teachers facing the challenge of educating students through distance learning

  • Powerful digital classroom microscopes support science teachers facing the challenge of educating students through distance learning

  • Powerful digital classroom microscopes support science teachers facing the challenge of educating students through distance learning

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Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC, makes the following disclosure: the AxioCam 202 and AxioCam 208 may not be compliant to the NDAA 2019 (National Defense Authorization Act of 2019), and accordingly, Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC cannot certify compliance to the NDAA for these products. If your institution is selected for the SCOPEs Grant and requires NDAA 2019 compliant technology, an alternative and compliant camera will be provided.

Not all products are available in every country. Use of products for medical diagnostic, therapeutic or treatment purposes may be limited by local regulations. Contact your local ZEISS provider for more information.