Better vision and more comfort at work
The new ZEISS Office spectacle lenses give you more relaxed vision, whether you work at a desk, computer or a manufacturing machine.
Modern technology governs our life and makes it easier, both at home and at work. We spend a good portion of our time working with high-tech devices and displays. They help make us faster and more productive. If we want to stay focused for extended periods while using computers, smartphones, tablet PCs or other devices at work, we need good vision at near to intermediate distances. This field of vision, between a half meter and four metres, is the one we use most often in our daily routine.  Reading glasses  and even sophisticated  progressive lenses  are not ideal for this field of vision. Have you ever considered wearing spectacles that are specially tailored to the work you do?
For many people, the world of work is getting faster and faster and increasingly varied. Computers and other devices play a major role in the modern workplace. As a result, staying productive for long periods is essential. Our vision plays a key role here, especially when we're working in front of screens and displays. Our eyes have to endure strain in the near to intermediate fields of vision for many hours each day.
You might already wear reading glasses or progressive lenses at work. However, our example shows that you can assume a very unnatural posture when wearing these types of spectacles.

Wearing reading glasses for work:
Reading glasses are ideal for very short distances. To see text and images well, you will automatically move closer to the screen. By doing this, you assume a poor posture. This can result in tension in your neck and back.

Wearing modern progressive lenses for work:
Progressive lenses allow you to see at all distances. The lower section of the progressive prescription spectacle lens helps you see objects close to you. When working in front of a screen, you look through the bottom section of the spectacle lens. To do this, you have to lift your head to see clearly through this part of lens. This posture puts excessive strain on your neck and shoulders over long periods of time.

The new ZEISS Office lenses for more relaxed vision.
The new ZEISS Office spectacle lenses are tailored to your specific needs and allow for a relaxed posture. These lenses offer very large fields of vision from near to intermediate distances (between half a metre and four metres). This lets you see and work at your best in precisely the range of vision your job requires. Your head and neck will be in a natural, relaxed position the whole day through.
Better vision with ZEISS Office lenses in three customised versions:
Thanks to technology developed by ZEISS for determining the maximum intermediate distance (Maximum Intermediate Distance = M.I.D.),  ZEISS Office lenses  can be adjusted to meet the viewing distance needs of the individual spectacle wearer. We offer everything from attractively priced lenses, to custom solutions tailored to extremely precise requirements. The spectacle lenses are manufactured using the maximum distance the individual spectacle wearer needs to see on a day-to-day basis in the workplace. Called the M.I.D. value, this is the distance in the room that the wearer needs to see clearly and sharply.
There are four different versions:
- "Near" Office lenses:Â Â With this design, the maximum distance the spectacle wearer must see sharply and clearly is set at two metres. This version is ideal for people who work mainly at the computer or read a lot.
- "Room" Office lenses:Â Â With this spectacle lens, the maximum distance is set to four metres, allowing the wearer to see at reading distance up to the intermediate field of vision. The "Room" version is designed for people that interact with colleagues a lot and simultaneously work in front of a screen.
- NEW - "Book" Office lenses:Â Â "Book" has a strengthened focus for the reading area with a maximum distance of one meter. In comparison to reading glasses, which are generally designed for a fixed, and individualised reading distance, "Book" offers a significantly larger field of vision for a more relaxed reading experience.
- The "Individual" Office lenses:Â Â This version is tailored to the specific needs of the spectacle wearer. The optimum maximum viewing distance in the room is defined with extreme precision for the spectacle wearer. In addition, the wearer's centring data, close-up working distance and spectacle frame dimensions are used in manufacturing these lenses.

ZEISS Office lenses are not just for work
ZEISS Office lenses also help you see better in your free time, whether you're reading, watching TV, cooking, surfing the Web, chatting online, or playing a musical instrument. Your optician will be happy to advise you and select the best solution from the range of ZEISS Office lenses.