ISO certifications at ZEISS

ISO certifications at ZEISS

connect quality, environmental protection, energy efficiency as well as occupational health and safety via the integrated management system.

International Standards (ISO) as a seal of quality

– Why do we get certified?

Our aim is that business conduct always complies with laws and internal regulations and guidelines. At ZEISS, we use certification to demonstrate to our customers and stakeholders that we do business not only in accordance with the law, but also in accordance with global business standards (ISO).

Compliance with standards supports the quality of goods and services, compliance with prescribed processes and continuous improvement. By using standards, we can explain our activities in a comprehensible way and thus gain the trust of our customers, business partners, authorities and other stakeholders. We thus give our employees clear structures and processes. Certification is a confirmation of this by external accredited partners.

Two persons working at the office

A living quality culture

– the key to the safety, quality and performance of our products and services.

In order to address the awareness of quality among employees, we formulate a claim to the organization with our quality policy and set a framework for the (quality) goals. ZEISS units throughout the group take this claim into account.

With our quality policy, we want to formulate the requirements for products or services that focus on customer satisfaction and continually improve.

We are also committed to providing our products and services to users in a safe and legally compliant manner.

ISO 14001 and ISO 50001

Environmental protection and energy efficiency

by careful management of the environment, economical use of resources (including energy), regulated recycling and disposal.

In order to raise awareness of the environment, energy and sustainability among employees, we formulate a claim to the organization with the environment and energy policy and set a framework for goals. ZEISS units throughout the group take this claim into account.

With our environmental and energy policy we want to formulate the requirements for our business activities, for continually improving in environmental, energy and sustainability matters.

When planning buildings, plants and products, we take environmental issues, energy efficiency and water consumption into account.

A hand holding a wooden cube

A healthy working environment and safe workplaces

– the key to physical and mental Employee health and thus also performance and motivation.

Our occupational health and safety policy aims to ensure that employees behave prudently and that occupational health and safety offers are used. ZEISS units throughout the group take this claim into account.

With this ambition, we emphasize the importance of occupational health and safety, set ourselves goals and measure the continuous improvement.

Employee health and safety is the responsibility of everyone, especially executives.

System certifications

The ZEISS management system is certified according to the most important system standards. It is periodically assessed and monitored by accredited certification partners.

We will be happy to send you certificates on request.