Innovation Hubs Turning today’s research into tomorrow’s applications – together
This is what the team in Karlsruhe is working on
Micro- and nanofabrication allows many electronic and photonic components to be on a single chip. The scope of application for this integrated optoelectronic approach such for compact sensor systems, is being explored at KIT. This also includes medical robotics and assistance systems, sustainability and the circular economy.

This is what the team in Dresden is working on
Biotech has come a long way. Today, we are not just using biological systems, we are engineering biology itself to meet our needs. At the ZEISS Innovation Hub Dresden, we are exploring how these developments will transform healthcare, and how we as ZEISS can help to make their benefits available to society. Our initial focus is on organoids, promising model systems which may revolutionize drug development as well as personalized and regenerative medicine.
Our ambition

Turning today’s research
Technologies with Technology Readyness Level (TRL) of 4-6 form the starting point. They offer growth opportunities that transcend the current business area roadmaps.

into tomorrow’s
The innovations have the potential to shape the next 10 to 20 years. We think big, but start small so that we can foresee market successes in good time.

ZEISS keeps its eye on all markets and therefore knows which solutions are in demand. But before these can be developed, their feasibility and profitability are first assessed.

– together.
To find and develop ideas, diverse partners are essential for the teams in Karlsruhe and Dresden.
A team with ambitions

From student to revolutionary
Sophia, Innovation Scout
After her studies at KIT, Sophia decided to do a PhD: "It blew my mind to think that my research could impact the future of medicine." In her doctoral thesis, she carried out the groundwork to developa bonding agent between implant and bone.

From butterfly wings to his own start-up
Guillaume, Materials Researcher
"I was blown away when I heard about the high amount of light a butterfly can absorb and the many nanoholes in its wings," Guillaume reveals. Hisobjective is to adapt this phenomenon in science and harness the genius of nature to benefit science.
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ZEISS Innovation Hub Dresden
Visit the site in Dresden – in the middle of the campus of the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden.
ZEISS Innovation Hub Dresden
Blasewitzer Straße 41
01307 Dresden, Germany

ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT
Visit the location directly at the North Campus of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the national research center in the Helmholtz Association.
ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 6
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany