History of lithography optics
How it all began

Advances in the area of camera lenses enabled Carl Zeiss AG to produce novel optics for lithography for the company Telefunken in 1968. In 1977, ZEISS unveiled the S-Planar 10/0.28, the first lens to enable the opto-lithographic production of 1 µm structures. This laid the foundation for the first wafer stepper.
The current partnership with Philips subsidiary Advanced Semiconductor Materials Lithography (ASML) also began in 1983 with the delivery of the first projection and illumination optics from ZEISS. This business relationship became a strategic alliance during fiscal year 1992/93. At ZEISS, the new millennium marked the beginning of a new era in the semiconductor industry – particularly with respect to 193 nm technology, which brought about the first technology leap in the area of lithography optics since 1998.
As a result of the increasing success of the ZEISS Group, the decision was made to pool the light, electron and ion-optical technologies into an independently operating company. In October 2001, Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH was founded with its subsidiaries Carl Zeiss Laser Optics GmbH, Carl Zeiss SMS GmbH, and Carl Zeiss NTS GmbH (in 2010, Carl Zeiss NTS changed over to the Microscopy division). The years that followed witnessed numerous innovations in the field of lithography optics for commercial microchip fabrication, including the Starlith 1700i. Starlith optics use the immersion method – a procedure whereby the air between the last lens and the top wafer surface is replaced with liquid – while simultaneously utilizing lens and mirror systems.
In 2006, a new plant was officially inaugurated in Oberkochen. It is the most advanced development and production center for lithography optics in the world. The Starlith 19xxi, produced starting in 2007, became a hit not only in the history of the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology division, but also at ZEISS as the top-selling product of the company. 2012 heralded the changeover of EUV Optics (Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation) to serial production, a new era in optical lithography.