Lisbon Planetarium Invites Visitors to Explore Whole New Worlds
ZEISS VELVET LED projection system offers new presentation options
Jena / Lisbon, Portugal | 22 November 2021 | ZEISS Planetariums
Since 18 November 2021 the Navy planetarium in Lisbon, Portugal, has been welcoming visitors once more. And a totally different planetarium awaits them. For the first time here at the Navy planetarium, star and video projections will unite for performances that will illuminate the entire dome. In recent weeks, ZEISS installed a full-dome projection system comprising eight ZEISS VELVET LED projectors whose images come together to create a 360-degree picture. The projectors are a ZEISS development that is unique in that it showcases the world's most pitch-black images. Visitors won't even notice the transitions between the eight individual images thanks to special blending technologies from ZEISS. In addition to installing the ZEISS VELVET LED projection system, the ZEISS UNIVERSARIUM model IX planetarium projector that was in use since 2005 was given a complete overhaul. New LED light sources deliver brighter stars, while brand-new electronics will offer reliability in the future and an all-new control computer ensures greater ease of use.

Since 18 November 2021 the Navy planetarium in Lisbon, Portugal, has been welcoming visitors once more.

Lisbon Planetarium Invites Visitors to Explore Whole New Worlds.
The Navy planetarium in Lisbon is pursuing a concept of combining analog star and digital imaging projection systems. ZEISS technologies ensure that digital projections like astronomical bodies, planetary orbits and cosmic nebulae always appear in the right position in the night sky. This hybrid control system provides the software suite for the ZEISS planetarium systems. The ZEISS UNIVIEW allows planetarium operators to make use of an astronomical visualization program that allows them to showcase the entire known cosmos with great ease.
The new digital projection system means the planetarium can run a wider range of events. “Although astronomy is still the main focus, we'll now also be offering visitors shows and presentations from other disciplines like biology, sports and history, as well as musical performances,” said Commander João Silva Ramos, Planetarium Director. The reopening means the large planetarium and its guests will be embarking on a journey through the universe like never before and it has started offering a variety of different topics.
Martin Kraus, Head of Planetariums at ZEISS, is delighted about the reopening: “The Calouste Gulbenkian planetarium has been using ZEISS technology since it was inaugurated back in 1965. We're very proud that the Portuguese Navy has chosen our new ZEISS VELVET LED projection system along with other technical and software upgrades and that we are once again the technology partner of choice.”