A Heart for Science - a future-oriented initiative
On 7 June an international volunteering program which promotes STEM is kicking off and all ZEISS employees can take part.
- ZEISS is expanding its STEM activities to all locations
- Global promotion of STEM by ZEISS employees
The new future-oriented initiative A Heart for Science, a corporate volunteering program, is just about to get underway.. To mark its 175th anniversary, ZEISS launched its global initiative “A Heart for Science” that is intended to encourage young people to pursue a career in STEM.
The special thing about the initiative is that it's being planned and organized by ZEISS employees. From today, employees across the world are taking part in a corporate volunteering program and are passing on their knowledge to the explorers of tomorrow.

A Heart for Science - a future-oriented initiative
ZEISS is supporting the commitment of its employees to this in many ways including a handbook about the initiative, age-appropriate guided experiments, and a digital platform where volunteers can get together and collaborate on their joint projects. Selected activities are also being funded by ZEISS.
"Supporting education and science is a tradition at ZEISS. It is a core part of our philosophy. The aim of A Heart for Science is to open up the world of research up to young people and to get them excited about nature and technology", said Dr. Karl Lamprecht, President and CEO of the ZEISS Group.
A robust network of project partners
By introducing this initiative, ZEISS intends to grow an international network of internal and external project partners.
Employees can work with educational institutions and learning venues such as schools, student labs or museums by teaching, carrying out experiments or organizing STEM workshops. In this way, Zeissians can bring their experience and expertise to bear and benefit their local communities.
Further information and contact details are available at: https://www.zeiss.com/aheartforscience
Head of Corporate Brand, Communications and Public Affairs