Sustainability has been firmly anchored within ZEISS DNA and the corporate strategy from day one. As a future-oriented company, ZEISS sees challenges as an opportunity and integrates sustainable solutions into its business operations. The ZEISS Sustainability Report provides an overview of the activities and successes of fiscal year 2023/24.
Facts & figures
ZEISS works toward clear goals: By fiscal year 2024/25, the company aims to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions as much as possible and to offset the remaining unavoidable emissions. ZEISS also wants to reduce energy consumption by 20%, water consumption by 15% and the amount of waste by 10%. The figures for fiscal year 2023/24 indicate interim successes but are also an incentive to make continuous improvements here.
We are absolutely convinced that our economic success can only be achieved in the long term through sustainable value creation.
ZEISS employees interviewed on sustainability
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Reducing energy consumption by up to 70%
Elina Iamsia
Teams at ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions are working on solutions to reduce the carbon footprint. Examples include the ZEISS PowerSaver and the ZEISS AirSaver, which reduce the energy consumption of products. This benefits both the environment and our customers.
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Almost 100,000 young people interested in STEM
Silvia Zenner-Gellrich
By collaborating with Kahoot, we want to spark young people's interest in science. Silvia Zeller-Gellrich has been at ZEISS since 2007 and is the face of the project. Learning becomes entertaining and interactive with the Kahoot quizzes.
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Saving 6,700 MWh energy every year
Owen Pan
As a project manager at ZEISS, Owen Pan runs the Power Hub project. By combining energy and water efficiency, we save over 6,700 MWh energy and over 400,000 m3 water every year.
We are working consistently to further integrate sustainability into our processes from product development through to purchasing and logistics.
How ZEISS understands sustainability – three focus topics
For a green future
The climate is continuing to change. The global community has set itself big targets to mitigate the consequences. ZEISS wants to play its part to help achieve them.
The cyclical use of natural resources is one way to use them sparingly. ZEISS therefore strives for a circular use of resources with a view to reducing the impact on the environment.
Through its products, ZEISS creates added value for a more sustainable society. What’s more, ZEISS is committed to the common good, education and research through sponsorships.
As a foundation company, sustainability and success in business are inextricably linked at ZEISS. At ZEISS, sustainability is understood to be a collaborative activity and is firmly anchored in the corporate strategy.