ZEISS PerformanceFit
New does not always mean better, at least not for the climate. That is why there are two big questions to ask when purchasing new devices. ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions has developed a solution for bringing machines in line with the latest technological progress and for conserving resources and lowering carbon emissions at the same time. Called PerformanceFit, ZEISS promptly received acclaim for this retrofitting program.
The future firmly in sight
As a manufacturer of solutions for quality assurance, ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions helps its customers to achieve their carbon emission reduction targets. Dr. Marc Wawerla, CEO of ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions, looks not only at his company’s own sustainable methods for adding value, but also at his customers’ energy consumption and demand and ways to improve them. “We seek to help our customers to improve their own carbon footprint by reducing emissions with optimized quality solutions and more precise measurements,” he says.

Award-winning innovation
ZEISS PerformanceFit
With its ZEISS PerformanceFit product, ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions is blazing a trail for productivity, flexibility and, above all, energy and material efficiency. Retrofitting, which involves upgrading used systems to bring them in line with technological progress, is an approach that sees the circular economy and the reuse of raw materials as the future.
The experts at ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions apply particularly innovative product redesigns to enable thoroughly complex and unique retrofits that ensure more resource-friendly operation thanks to modernization. The qualities of PerformanceFit impressed the jury of the 2021 Umwelttechnikpreis Baden-Württemberg (“Baden-Württemberg Environmental Technology Award”) so much that it awarded the product first place in the material efficiency category.
We seek to help our customers to improve their own carbon footprint by reducing emissions with optimized quality solutions and more precise measurements.

Innovative and retro mixed together
Measurement devices used for quality assurance must meet all measurement and safety standards at all times. Many industries, such as electrical engineering, medical technology, space travel and automotive, rely on such machines day in and day out. They demand that these machines work faultlessly, even after decades of usage. Manufacturing new machines requires the consumption of a large amount of resources. So too do machines that no longer have maximum energy efficiency after a long period in service. Altogether, it almost makes for a catch-22 challenge.
Nonetheless, ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions has accepted precisely this challenge. Using PerformanceFit, ZEISS brings coordinate measuring machines that are up to 20 years old into line with the latest technology. As a result, their material consumption is reduced, their service life extended, their operating costs lowered, their efficiency increased and their energy consumption halved. ZEISS achieves these results by examining the devices comprehensively. Potential retrofits are considered from as early as the product development and manufacturing stages so that later upgrades are technologically possible. In usage, a retrofitted device is characterized by its reduced resource consumption, its increased efficiency and its improved carbon footprint. Retrofitting a device at what appears to be the end of its service life also conserves raw materials and makes further capital expenditure unnecessary. This means that the coordinate-measuring machines that are modernized by ZEISS offer financial as well as environmental benefits.
The machines are fully refurbished and equipped with new modules on site with no more than one week of downtime. Large and heavy device components that require large amounts of energy to manufacture are kept in the device and not swapped out. ZEISS AirSaver and ZEISS PowerSaver are innovative PerformanceFit features that also help customers to achieve their carbon emission reduction targets. These features can significantly reduce the energy required during idle times. What’s more, the productivity of the modernized machines is optimized thanks to new, digital controls, software features and sensor interfaces. This lets them take on new measuring tasks flexibly and without consuming resources excessively, all while strongly reducing the energy required. Modernization leaves the machines able to be used efficiently and effectively for at least ten more years so that they can contribute to sustainability during this time.
A look toward the future
Retrofitting offers many opportunities and ZEISS is constantly enhancing the process. To help customers with the achievement of their climate targets, ZEISS is currently also working on further new products that improve the product carbon footprint. Retrofitting, which can be understood as upcycling 2.0, is the way of the future.
“We have identified over 3,000 customer devices that we could theoretically retrofit using PerformanceFit. Our retrofit solutions mean that customers save not only on carbon emissions, but also on costs. They are a key step toward a more sustainable future, and that is cause for optimism,” says Andreas Gruber, Head of Global Service Product Management & Development at ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions.