ZEISS Digital Innovation

Manufacturing Solutions

Our customized software solutions increase efficiency and quality in automotive and semiconductor production.

In-depth domain knowledge for reliable IIoT software

The semiconductor and automotive industries can learn from each other in terms of automation and digitalization. Our specialization in these industries exploits the resulting synergy potential and expertise to optimize process chains and increase efficiency in manufacturing.

Software engineering with automation expertise

Software engineering and data enablement for your semiconductor fab

Our broad know-how is based on a wide variety of interaction points with the semiconductor industry. As a result, we bring an in-depth level of understanding of the automated processes in cleanrooms and the installed equipment to solution development. We consider and optimize the existing infrastructures and environment architectures. Existing data is made centrally available and creates the basis for innovative technologies.
With our individual software solutions, we connect entire production chains, eliminate ineffective isolated solutions, and anchor the possibility of cross-location platform architectures.

Platform expertise with measurement technology experience

With manufacturing expertise to the connected store floor

With our experience in the automotive industry, we build IIoT solutions for vehicle manufacturing. We consider all steps in production and create stable processes that help our customers to fulfill their promise of quality. Continuous process improvement is ensured by the sustainable integration of state-of-the-art approaches into the solution, e.g. digital twins. Sustainable data enablement serves as the basis for future-proof technologies, which also enables smooth communication across plants.


  • Identification of added values

    We analyze your process flows together and find software optimization levers quickly and purposefully. Individually customized software elements create innovative and collaborative added value for you and your users.

  • Utilizing existing potentials

    We break down data silos and provide central access to all your data. In doing so, we create the conditions for the use of new technologies and pave the way for smart and autonomous production.

  • Acceleration of your innovation processes

    We observe the market, analyze trends and provide insights. With our impulses we drive innovations – for your projects, in your teams and for your processes.

Software expertise for market-leading production solutions

We develop individual software – for complex production lines and the individual worker, to whom we tailor functionality and usability. We constantly keep an eye on networking across production sites.

Production control solutions for new design and networking possibilities
Process Control

Intelligent manufacturing processes for autonomous production

Our sustainable production control solutions bring your production up to and beyond the latest technological developments.

Modern software architectures replace old frameworks and reduce technical debt. Our experience in closed-loop engineering not only improves product quality, but also increases output. Our predictive maintenance solutions avoid cost-intensive downtimes through visual inspection during operation and ensure greater efficiency.

Production Platform

Cloud-based production platforms for innovation and end-to-end process improvements

To optimize data availability, increase independence from individual production sites and the associated flexibility of the entire production chain, and strengthen digital support on the production line, we build cloud-based, customized production platforms. In this way, we sustainably network value chains and increase the reusability of solutions for all plants.

Proactive error prevention through software support – in real time, for employees
Connected Worker

Proactive error prevention through software support – in real time, for employees

Increasing yields, output quality and reducing rework can only be achieved through a new generation of front-end applications. This provides the connected worker with the right information in real time, enabling them to respond and intervene immediately inline.

Semiconductor Kay Fischer Key Account Manager
Markus Hoffmann
Automotive Markus Hoffmann Key Account Manager
Manufacturing Kai Schoppe Key Account Manager
Ron Schütze
Semiconductor Ron Schütze Account Manager

Your next steps with us

We have many years of experience in the implementation of advanced software solutions for the automotive and semiconductor industries. Thus, we can support you with the right expertise and the resources in the design and implementation of your software strategy. In addition, we are very familiar with the specific requirements for software projects in the semiconductor/automotive environment. Therefore, we ensure in our projects that your data is used in such a way that it provides decisive added value in your processes. With our agile development approach, we integrate our teams along your process optimization and software development projects into your existing software lifecycle (if desired), increasing your ability to deploy and deliver.

Here's what your next steps could be with us:

  • Discover solutions for your technical or methodological challenges in a joint exchange.

    In this preliminary meeting, we look at your specific requirements and create an initial overview of possible options. Our experts bring their extensive expertise and many years of experience to develop tailored recommendations that meet your individual needs.

    Our aim is to make it easier for you to decide on the next steps. After our expert discussion, you will be better equipped to choose the right strategy for your technical challenges.

  • Do you want to know how you can get even more out of your processes and leverage their potential? Do you suspect there is room for improvement in your digital solutions?

    Through a neutral look and detailed analysis, we uncover reserves and points of improvement that give you advantages in overcoming your challenges.

    If you already have a specific question to deal with, we can support you with a methodical approach. Together with you, we will highlight and define the existing problems, collect information and consolidate them. We then develop and design solutions and specific concrete measures.

    This process can be iterative, with steps repeated as needed to achieve an optimal solution. We draw on a methodology that has been tried and tested for many years, which is helpful for your individual problem solving and innovation development.

    In addition, a health check can provide further insights. In an interview-based approach, we analyze system landscapes, architecture and code as well as your specific software development processes. The aim here is to identify organizational and methodological problems.

  • From the first idea to the ongoing solution: Together we develop the vision for your innovative software project.

    At the beginning of each successful development project, there is a project vision that forms the basis for further cooperation as well as resource and budget planning.

    In a two-day project vision workshop, we work with you to develop the clear objective, a rough solution design and a suitable approach for your future project. We show you how to take your applications to the next level according to your requirements.

    The Project Vision Workshop will be conducted by an experienced team consisting of one software architect, one business analyst and one UX strategist.

    • Format: 2-day onsite workshop (plus 1-2 preliminary meetings for preparation and scope definition, 1 day follow-up)
    • Dummy Agenda: 
      • Day 1
        • Project background
        • User journey status quo
        • Strategic guardrails & goals
        • Stakeholder overview & needs
        • Stakeholder & needs prioritization
      • Day 2
        • User journey vision
        • Target picture (press release, from... to..., …)
        • Concrete next steps/roadmap
    • Duration: 2-week period with preliminary meetings, workshop preparation, workshop implementation, follow-up
    • Effort for customer: preliminary meetings, briefing, sharing relevant materials, max. 6 participants, location & workshop logistics
    • Who of us: 2 participants, B&E + D&I (Senior Level)
    • Outcome:
      • Clear strategic direction
      • Definition of key stakeholders & their needs
      • Prio roadmap
      • Target picture


Implemented and inspiring: our market-shaping, progressive ideas to read.

In our ZEISS Digital Innovation Blog, we regularly publish our project experiences, project successes, inspiration from our day-to-day work and Q&As on individual software solutions, agile software development, quality assurance and key information on the health solutions and manufacturing solutions we have developed.


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