The future of manufacturing autonomous.

First time right – every time & everywhere.

If you want to secure value creation for the future and remain competitive, you will need autonomous solutions. Whether complex production structures such as in the semiconductor industry or classic production disciplines such as machining, processes will become autonomous in the future wherever conventional efficiency measures reach their limits. We create individual solutions that use process and workpiece information for real-time control of the production process in order to achieve significant productivity increases and cost savings.

The manufacturing industry faces many challenges

  • Skills shortage

  • Increasing product complexity and quality requirements

  • Wide range of variants down to batch size 1

  • Production conditions difficult to control

  • Fragile supply chains

  • Shorter product and innovation cycles

Advanced Manufacturing with Machine-Integrated Process Optimization: Unprecedented Production Leaps

Whether unique, small batch or high volume production.

  • Up to 90%

    reduced rejection rate

  • 1 machine

    instead of 3 (shortened process chain)

  • Up to 4x

    higher throughput

  • 2x

    higher precision possible with constant application rate

  • 6 months

    until typical ROI possible

  • Up to 3x

    faster time-to-market

Winner of the MIMA Award 2025 in the category "Scale!"

What does an individual solution for machine-integrated process optimization offer?

We develop brownfield-compatible software solutions that are tailored to your needs and can be integrated directly into your production. On the basis of quality and process data, added value can be generated early on and ultimately put your production in the state of readjusting processes itself (closed-loop). This brings you a significant step closer to an unmanned production and produces more parts in the same amount of time.

The basis of our tailored solutions is a digital process twin. Based on machine and process data, we create a virtual representation, integrating the right mathematical and physical models into the software in dialog with your production technologies. The resulting optimization parameters are fed back into the machine in order to permit readjustments.

A manual, time-delayed readjustment based on quality tests in the measuring room is a thing of the past!

Closed-loop in production

The term "closed loop" describes a control loop which continuously monitors a process and compares the resulting data with a desired target value. In the case of a desired-actual deviation, compensation parameters can be returned to the process for adaptive process optimization. Depending on the requirements, target values such as scrap, cycle time, tool life or energy consumption can be optimized in the process.

Automation leads to greater efficiency, less waste, and overall improved product quality in tomorrow's data-driven production.

Application example: Acquisition and processing of data from control system (HMI), environmental sensors and, if required, additional stand-alone sensor technology with feedback.

Environmental sensor (e.g. indoor temperature, humidity)
Industrial Data Platform

Sustainable digitalization through structured date enablement.

Machine control (PLC)
High-frequency, machine-integrated sensor system
Individual physical workpiece for calculating the digital twin
Edge Layer
Optional retrofit process force sensor system
Kombination aus virtueller Messtechnik (unten; mit Abweichungen) und physischer Messtechnik (oben; mit fehlenden Bereichen) zu digitalem Zwilling .
Kombination aus virtueller Messtechnik (unten; mit Abweichungen) und physischer Messtechnik (oben; mit fehlenden Bereichen) zu digitalem Zwilling .

Combination of machine information and physical quality assurance to create a digital process twin.

Combination of machine information and physical quality assurance to create a digital process twin.

Digital Process Twin

The Gamechanger

Sensors that are already integrated in the machine form the database for the digital process twin. The software-based processing of high-frequency signals from already integrated sensor technology allows, among other things, geometric component properties to be predicted.

However, the accuracy of these data depends on the one hand on the imputed process forces and on the other hand on constant production conditions. For traceability reasons, it is also recommended to integrate a physical quality check as a measurement reference in the solution.

In combination, this can also significantly reduce the burden on physical quality assurance in terms of completeness and test duration.

For which applications is a software solution for machine-integrated process optimization suitable, and what is required?

  • Precision machining
  • Machining production
  • Forming processes
  • Manufacturing processes in difficult to control environments

This is only a small selection of possible applications. What is your challenge?

Our plan for your project

  • Analysis of the status quo during a visit to your plant
  • Prioritization of processes and definition of the pilot process
  • Creation of a concept for the pilot implementation on the software side
  • Project start after 2-4 weeks
  • Scaling solutions to the entire production after successful project

Machine-integrated process optimization: The most important thing in a nutshell

  • Up to 90% less waste
  • Manufacture more parts at the same time
  • Scalable software solution with scalable added value
  • Retrofit for existing plants
  • Use of the existing sensors of modern machine tools

Virtual Machine Operators - Jumps in autonomy in production

Quality assurance and its return to production results are among the work steps that are currently still very time-consuming and error-prone. Moreover, testing of workpieces, which is decoupled from the production process, is resource-intensive and there is an increasing shortage of skilled labor.

By combining production and quality processes using existing data, it is possible to intervene in the production control at an early stage. Manufacturing processes can thus be regulated automatically. As a result, direct testing is carried out from the outset and resource-conserving production, which results in less waste, relieved machine operators and reduced process costs.

The white paper on "The Future of Manufacturing" shows how a software solution enables a significant increase in added value in the sense of a closed-loop, using an example from metal cutting. Further information on this topic can also be found on our blog under "Data-driven process control". The challenge here is to automatically regulate complex physical systems and which data-driven approaches to mapping in software make this possible.

If you have any questions about advanced manufacturing, please contact our specialists directly.

Fill out the form now and receive the white paper:

Due to their very nature, precision applications such as metal cutting require a sophisticated quality assurance process. Coordinate measuring machines in separate measuring rooms or in shop floor-compatible at-line cells are usually used for this purpose. The problem with this: bulky intralogistics, time investment and personnel requirements.

In the white paper, we present a solution that directly links the quality process with the production process, resulting in high value creation potential.

You will receive our white paper as download via e-mail after completing the adjacent form.

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With digital process twin for autonomous production

What does autonomous production mean for the automotive industry, and what does the term "autonomy" actually mean? In our presentation at the automotiveIT congress, we take you on the road to the production of the future. In doing so, we address the causes and show that the transformation is not an end in itself, but pursues specific goals. With the help of a tangible comparison, we show which level of autonomy is already possible in current productions and what a concrete solution could look like.

Kai Schoppe Key Account Manager Manufacturing Solutions


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