Corporate Governance

As the management team of an international and innovative technology group, we value and promote inventiveness and creativity at the highest level. ZEISS is represented in around 50 countries. In Germany alone, we employ people from over 90 nations. Our company is characterized by a lively corporate culture of diversity, tolerance and openness. Our business success is based on these values.

Dr. Karl Lamprecht

President and CEO of the ZEISS Group

Dr. Karl Lamprecht President and CEO of the ZEISS Group

Karl Lamprecht is President and CEO of the ZEISS Group and oversees the Brand, Communications and Public Affairs, Executive Corporate Office, Patents, Research & Technology, Strategic Development, and Ventures. He is also responsible for the Australasia, China, India, and Southeast Asia sales regions.

Susan-Stefanie Breitkopf

Chief Transformation Officer of the ZEISS Group

Susan-Stefanie Breitkopf Chief Transformation Officer of the ZEISS Group

Susan-Stefanie Breitkopf has been Chief Transformation Officer at the ZEISS Group since 2022. She has responsibility for Corporate Projects, Digital Innovation, Human Resources, Information Technology & Information Security, Management System, Operational Excellence, Shared Procurement & Logistic Services, Transformation Office, and US Shared Services. She is also Director of Labour Relations at Carl Zeiss AG.

Sven Hermann

Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Sven Hermann Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Sven Hermann has been a member of the Executive Board of ZEISS Group since 2022 and Head of the Consumer Markets segment. In addition, he oversees the Africa, Belgium and the Netherlands, Brazil, Canada and Mexico sales regions.

Stefan Müller

Chief Financial Officer of the ZEISS Group

Stefan Müller, Member of the Executive Board and CFO of the ZEISS Group

Stefan Müller is CFO of the ZEISS Group. As Member of the Executive Board, he oversees Finance & Controlling, Consolidation, Accounting & Tax, Financial Services, Business Services & Infrastructure, Auditing & Risk Management, Security, Legal, Trademarks & Compliance, Data Protection, Export Control & Customs, the Strategic Business Unit Photonics & Optics and the Russia sales region.

Andreas Pecher

Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Andreas Pecher Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Andreas Pecher will become President & CEO of the ZEISS Group as of 1 April 2025. He has been a Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group since 2022. He headed the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology segment and held the position of President and CEO of Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH from 2022 until 2024.

Dr. Jochen Peter

Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Dr. Jochen Peter Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Jochen Peter is Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group and heads the Industrial Quality & Research segment comprising the Industrial Quality Solutions and Research Microscopy Solutions Strategic Business Units. In addition, he oversees the Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Nordics and United Kingdom sales regions. He is also President and CEO of Carl Zeiss IQR GmbH. Effective 1 January 2018 Jochen Peter became Member of the Executive Board.

Dr. Frank Rohmund

Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Dr. Frank Rohmund Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Frank Rohmund became a Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group in 2025 and heads the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology segment. On the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group, he is also responsible for the Shared Production Unit and oversees the Korea sales region. He also holds the position of President and CEO of Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH.

Dr. Markus Weber

Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Dr. Markus Weber Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group

Markus Weber is Member of the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group and heads the Medical Technology segment. In addition, he is in the Executive Board of the ZEISS Group responsible for Corporate Management System, and oversees the Japan, Spain, France and Turkey sales regions. He is also President & CEO of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG.

Supervisory Board of Carl Zeiss AG

The Supervisory Board of Carl Zeiss AG has 20 members. In accordance with the provisions of the German Co-Determination Act, half the members are representatives of the sole shareholder – the Carl Zeiss Foundation – and the other half are representatives of the workforce.

Members of the Supervisory Board

  • Dr. Michael Bolle

    Dr. Michael Bolle

    Chairman of the Foundation Council of the Carl Zeiss Foundation, Heidenheim an der Brenz and Jena

    Jan Brecht

    Jan Brecht

    Global Chief Information Officer & Chief Digital Officer, Nissan Motor Corporation, Yokohama, Japan

    Dr. Thelse Godewerth

    Dr. Thelse Godewerth

    Member of the Board of Management of Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG, Friedrichshafen

    Dr. Stefan Kampmann

    Dr. Stefan Kampmann

    Owner of &alwaysahead, Knetzgau

    Dr. Joachim Kreuzburg

    Dr. Joachim Kreuzburg

    CEO of Sartorius AG, Göttingen

    Prof. Dr. Thomas Kropf

    Prof. Dr. Thomas Kropf

    Former President Corporate Research (EVP) at Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen

    Gert-Hartwig Lescow

    Gert-Hartwig Lescow

    CFO and Deputy Chairman of the Board at Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Lübeck

    Clara Sattler de Sousa e Brito

    Clara Sattler de Sousa e Brito

    Leader Philips Europe Region, Philips International B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Prof. Dr. Tanja Weil

    Prof. Dr. Tanja Weil

    Director of the Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research

    Dr. Rutger Wijburg

    Dr. Rutger Wijburg

    Member of the Executive Board and Chief Operations Officer of Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg

  • Angelika Franzke

    Angelika Franzke

    Deputy Chairwoman
    Chairwoman of the Group Employee Representative Council of Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen

    Prof. Dr. Martin Allespach

    Prof. Dr. Martin Allespach

    Director and Head of the University of Labour, Frankfurt am Main

    Gerhard Bösner

    Gerhard Bösner

    Chairman of the Works Council of Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH, Oberkochen

    Renè Denner

    Renè Denner

    Chairman of the Works Council of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Jena

    Christoph Ellinghaus

    Christoph Ellinghaus

    First Authorized Representative of the IG Metall office Jena-Saalfeld, Jena

    Uwe Frey

    Uwe Frey

    Chairman of the Works Council of Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH, Aalen

    Steffen Haßel

    Steffen Haßel

    Member of the Carl Zeiss AG Works Council, Oberkochen

    Tamara Hübner

    Tamara Hübner

    Second Authorized Representative oft the IG Metall Stuttgart, Stuttgart

    Andreas Kopf

    Andreas Kopf

    Head of Services Accounting and Tax at Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen

    Lazgin Sis

    Lazgin Sis

    Person of trust nominated by ZEISS Group Germany