
Corporate Governance
Declaration on Corporate Governance
Declaration on Corporate Governance conforms to Section 289f and 315d HGB. The Management Board and Supervisory Board of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG are committed to transparent corporate governance and control that is geared and responsible to sustainably increasing the value of the Company. The Company regards good Corporate Governance as an essential prerequisite for the long-term success of the Company. In addition, it makes an important contribution to strengthening the confidence of shareholders, business partners, customers, employees and the general public in the work of the Company and to meeting the constantly growing information needs of various interest groups.
In the year under review, the Management Board and Supervisory Board dealt in detail with the principles and guidelines of the German Corporate Governance Code. The current Declaration of Conformity was published jointly by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board in the Annual Report and permanently on the website.
Declaration of Conformity 2024
The German Corporate Governance Code was revised on 28 April 2022 ("GCGC 2022") and came into force upon publication in the Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette) on 17 May 2022. The Management Board and Supervisory Board of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG hereby declare, pursuant to Section 161 (1) Sentence 1 AktG, that since issuing its last Declaration of Conformity in November 2023, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG has conformed and does conform to the recommendations of the “Regierungskommission Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex” (Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code):
In deviation from section B.3, the Supervisory Board may also appoint members of the Management Board for longer than three years - generally five years. In the Company's view, this is particularly justifiable if the new member of the Management Board has many years of management experience within Carl Zeiss Meditec AG or an affiliated company of the ZEISS Group.
Contrary to Section C.1 DCGK 2020, the Supervisory Board has not specified any specific targets with regard to its composition. The Supervisory Board has also not specified any competency profile for the board as a whole and this is therefore also not published in the Declaration on Corporate Governance. The Supervisory Board believes that the composition of the board should be geared, first and foremost, to the interests of the Company, and should guarantee efficient support and monitoring of the Management Board. Accordingly, when appointing the Supervisory Board of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, the priority shall therefore be to ensure that the members have the necessary capabilities, skills and specialist qualifications to properly fulfill their duties, and that they are independent. The Supervisory Board believes that the necessary competencies of the board as a whole have been adequately considered.
Contrary to Section D.6, the members of the Management Board attend the meetings of the Supervisory Board in accordance with the Supervisory Board’s rules of procedure, unless the Chairman of the Supervisory Board specifies otherwise. The Management Board provides the Supervisory Board with regular, up-to-the-minute, comprehensive information, particularly about corporate strategy, planning, the development of business, the risk situation, risk management, compliance, the focus of innovation and about any deviations of business development from original planning, as well as important business transactions of the Company and major subsidiaries of the Group. The Supervisory Board uses its meetings for regular, detailed exchange with the Management Board. For certain issues, the Supervisory Board convenes alone during the plenary session.
According to the current state of discussions, the Management Board remuneration system resolved by the Annual General Meeting on 22 March 2023 and to be applied for all new Management Board contracts deviates from the following recommendations of the DCGK 2022:
Section G.4 states that in order to assess the customary practice within the Company, the Supervisory Board should consider the relationship of the remuneration of the Management Board to the remuneration of senior management and the workforce as a whole and also consider how this has developed over time. Contrary to this, the new remuneration system does not provide for any comparison of the remuneration of the Management Board with the remuneration of senior management and the workforce as a whole. As the remuneration of the Management Board is capped, its appropriateness with regard to the remuneration structure is not called into question. A vertical comparison is therefore not necessary in the Supervisory Board’s opinion. A comparison with the remuneration of senior management and the workforce as a whole is also not sufficiently meaningful in the Supervisory Board’s view. Due to the international nature of the Company, its various locations worldwide and the associated regional differences, salary structures are very different, which would not provide any meaningful transparency if compared with the remuneration of the Management Board.
According to Section G.6, the variable remuneration, which is determined based on the achievement of long-term objectives, should exceed the proportion of remuneration arising from short-term objectives. Contrary to this, under Carl Zeiss Meditec AG’s remuneration system, the inflow of funds from the Short-Term Incentive Program (STI) shall generally be higher than that from the Long-Term Incentive Program (LTI). However, the maximum amount achievable under the LTI may exceed the STI amount. The LTI and fixed remuneration as well as the selection of key performance indicators (KPIs) to be applied create and thus ensure a long-term incentive effect. In the Supervisory Board’s view, the current system has proved successful in the past.
Pursuant to Section G.8, a subsequent amendment of the targets or comparative parameters should be excluded. Although the principle is taken into account in the new remuneration system when adjusting the personal variable remuneration (STI component) during the year, it deviates in the STI financial targets and LTI parameters. It should be possible to adjust these components during the year due to special economic circumstances. In the view of the Supervisory Board, this option is appropriate in rare exceptional cases, as exceptional economic circumstances are always also made transparent in good time on the capital market and taken into account in the company forecast.
Contrary to Section G.10, under the remuneration system, variable remuneration amounts granted shall not be predominantly invested in shares of the Company or granted on a share basis, taking the respective tax burden into account. In addition, there is to be no uniform regulation that stipulates that the Management Board member may not access the long-term variable amounts granted until after four years. The Supervisory Board does not consider a share-based remuneration to be an improvement for a long-term incentive compared with the measurement of the sustainable value-added created in the Management Board objectives based on Economic Value Added (EVA®) and Free Cash Flow (FCF).
The LTI and the selection of KPIs create and thus ensure a long-term incentive effect. In the Supervisory Board’s view, the current system has proved successful in the past. The long-term variable remuneration is currently fixed for 3 years. This period is considered sufficient in terms of longevity and sustainability, and is in line with the Company’s medium-term planning horizon in budget planning.
Section G.12 recommends, in the event of the termination of a Management Board contract, that the outstanding variable remuneration components attributable to the time remaining until the end of the contract be paid out in accordance with the originally agreed objectives and comparative parameters and in accordance with the due dates or holding periods specified in the contract. G.13 stipulates that payments in the event of premature termination should not exceed a value of two years' remuneration in the sense of a severance payment cap. Contrary to Section G.12 /G.13 and in the interest of simplifying the processing of early contract terminations, the inclusion of an average variable remuneration component should, in principle, be compensated with the severance payment under the remuneration system.
Jena, 2 December 2024
For the Supervisory Board: Dr. Karl Lamprecht
For the Management Board: Dr. Markus Weber
Discretionary provisions of the German Corporate Governance Code
In accordance with its voluntary commitment to good corporate governance, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG complies not only with the recommendations of the Code as far as possible, but also observes any relevant discretionary provisions of the Code. The following table gives an overview of these provisions.
Information on corporate governance practices
The Carl Zeiss Meditec Group practices responsible corporate governance geared to creating sustained value-added. It does this based on the strong conviction that sustainable economic success is inextricably linked to compliance with laws and legislation and internal policies. The close and efficient cooperation between the Management Board and Supervisory Board, open corporate communication and proper accounting also play an important role.
As a company of the ZEISS Group, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG is subject to the provisions of globally applicable Code of Conduct adopted back in 2007, in its current version dated October 2023, which stipulates and explains the basic rules for various areas of business activity. You will find this information on our website at www.zeiss.de/meditec-ag/investor-relations/corporate-governance.html.
Carl Zeiss Meditec AG therefore strives not only to consistently achieve its best performance in technological terms but is also committed to adhering to the highest of standards in terms of abiding by the "rules" of good and fair conduct in competition and in dealing with employees and customers.
The Code of Conduct sets out the fundamental ethical principles of good conduct and values which govern the actions of both management and employees in their day-to-day work at the Company. The confidence of business partners, customers, shareholders, authorities and the general public, as well as our competitors in responsible, law-abiding conduct and moral integrity from all of the Group's employees is of the utmost importance for the image and economic success of the Carl Zeiss Meditec Group and the appeal of the ZEISS brand.
As a company of the ZEISS Group, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG has a whistleblower system in place. A compliance case management process has been set up throughout the Group in order to be able to report compliance violations in a protected manner. In principle, reports should first be addressed to the manager, HR department or the responsible compliance officer. Alternatively, violations can be reported anonymously via an online portal called “Integrity Line”. Managers, HR managers and the compliance team take every report seriously. Therefore, a systematic approach ensures that every report is processed.
Pursuant to Art. 19 MAR, members of the Management Board or Supervisory Board of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG must inform the Company and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, BaFin) about the purchase and sale of shares of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG.
At its meeting on 14 January 2013 the Supervisory Board passed the following resolution: In order to ensure a uniform position concerning shares of the Company held by members of the Supervisory and Management Board, to enable them to decide independently on personal investment matters and at the same time to prevent possible speculative action in the capital market, the Supervisory Board, in agreement with the Management Board, recommends that Supervisory and Management Board members and related individuals (persons with a close link as per Section 19 (1) Sentence 3 No. 26 MMVO , formerly Section 15a (3) WPHG) do not build up holdings of shares in the Company in the future. Concerning the existing share holdings of members of the Supervisory and Management Board and related individuals it is recommended that they sell these holdings in the medium term subject to the insider trading rules.
At the current time, no Company shares are held by members of the Management Board of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG. Shareholdings by members of the Supervisory Board amount to less than 0.1% of the outstanding share capital.
A key instrument of corporate governance at Carl Zeiss Meditec AG is its risk management system. This is a systematic process which enables the management uses to identify, evaluate and control risks and opportunities early on. The management uses the risk management system to identify unfavorable developments and their effects at an early stage and makes them transparent. This enables appropriate countermeasures to be introduced in a targeted and timely manner and also allows opportunities to be exploited efficiently at the same time. The risk and opportunity management system is continuously improved and developed. Further information on the subject of risk and opportunity management can be found in Annual Report of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG on page 47 et seqq.
Cooperation between the Supervisory Board and Management Board
The Supervisory Board regularly advises the Company's Management Board on managing the Company, and supervises the Management Board’s business activity. It is dedicated to fulfilling these obligations, and thus makes a crucial contribution to the company's success. It helps the Management Board to fulfill its tasks in full and within a reasonable period, and participates in key decisions. The Supervisory Board also engages the auditor in line with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting.
Responsibilities and work of the Management Board
The main responsibilities of the Management Board include strategy development and implementation. It is therefore responsible for operative business and ensures efficient risk management. The Management Board coordinates key decisions with the Supervisory Board. It also regularly provides the Supervisory Board with information about the Company, its environment, strategy and business growth.
Remuneration of the Management Board and Supervisory Board
The last vote on the new remuneration system for members of the Management Board was held by the Annual General Meeting on 22 March 2023, which approved the compensation system with 74.52%. The resolution on the confirmation of the audited remuneration report was passed with 80.21% approval. The remuneration of the members of the Management Board is described in the remuneration system and can be accessed here (https://www.zeiss.de/content/dam/meditec-ag/financial-communication/hauptversammlung-2023/7_afx_hv-to_2023.pdf).
The remuneration system for the members of the Supervisory Board was approved at the Annual General Meeting on 27 May 2021 with an approval rate of 99.97%. The remuneration system can be accessed here (https://www.zeiss.com/content/dam/z/med-ag/about-us/corporate-governance/7_afx_hv-to_2021.pdf/_jcr_content/renditions/original.media_file.download_attachment.file/7_afx_hv-to_2021.pdf).
The remuneration report for fiscal year 2022/23 was presented to the Annual General Meeting on 21 March 2024 and approved with an approval rate of 75.6%. The full remuneration report of the Management Board and Supervisory Board for fiscal year 2023/24 , including the auditor's report in accordance with Section 162 AktG, can be found in our 2023/24 Annual Report on pages 66 et seqq. and on the Internet at https://www.zeiss.com/meditec-ag/de/investor-relations/finanzpublikationen.html
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At the end of the Annual General Meeting on 22 March 2023, the Supervisory Board of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG has been composed, pursuant to the 1976 Co-determination Act and Art. 11 (1) of the Company's Articles of Association, of six members to be elected by the shareholders and six members to be elected by the employees. The shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board objected to the overall fulfillment prior to the new election by resolution dated 8 September 2022, meaning that the minimum proportion of 30% for women and 30% for men must be fulfilled separately by the shareholder representatives and the employee representatives. At the present time, the minimum proportion of two female and two male members on the shareholder and employee side respectively has been met.
An age limit of 65 years has been defined for the acceptance of Supervisory Board mandates at Carl Zeiss Meditec AG in the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board has a General and Personnel Committee, an Audit Committee, a Mediation Committee and a Nominating Committee.
General and Personnel Committee
The General and Personnel Committee deals with issues concerning the Company's strategic orientation and drafts the personnel-related resolutions of the Supervisory Board. The General and Personnel Committee is chaired by Dr. Karl Lamprecht. Further executive members are Renè Denner, Stefan Müller and Dr. Christian Münster.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is particularly concerned with auditing the accounting, monitoring the accounting process, the effectiveness of the internal control system, the risk management system and the internal auditing system, as well as the audit and its quality, and compliance. The Chairman of the Audit Committee is Peter Kameritsch. Other committee members are Torsten Reitze, Heike Madan and Renè Denner. Due to his work as Chief Financial Officer, Peter Kameritsch brings with him the necessary knowledge and experience in both accounting and auditing. In addition, Torsten Reitze's many years of experience as commercial director and currently as managing director also make him an expert in the field of accounting and auditing.
Nominating Committee
In the event of the appointment of new Supervisory Board members, the Nominating Committee proposes suitable candidates to the Supervisory Board for its candidate proposals to the Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee has been chaired by Stefan Müller since 18 June 2024. Other committee members are Isabel De Paoli and Dr. Karl Lamprecht.
Mediation Committee
The Mediation Committee is a committee to be established by law. Pursuant to Section 31 (3) of the German Co-Determination Act (MitbestG), it submits proposals to the Supervisory Board if a two-thirds majority is not achieved for the appointment or dismissal of Management Board members. The Committee meets only when required. The Mediation Committee is chaired by Dr Karl Lamprecht. The other committee members are Renè Denner, Jeffrey Marx and Torsten Reitze.
Name Supervisory Board member
Curriculum Vitae
Representative side
Member of the following committees
Length of membership of the Supervisory Board, in years
Dr. Karl Lamprecht,
ChairmanShareholder representative
Chairman of the General and Audit Committee Committee Member of Nominating Committee Chairman of the Mediation Committee
Chairman of the Supervisory Board since 27 May 2021
Member of the Supervisory Board since 25 June 2020Prof. Dr. Michael Kaschke,
Honorary ChairmanHonorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board since 27 May 2021
Chairman of the Supervisory Board since and member of the Supervisory Board from 2002 to 27 May 2021
Suspended mandate pursuant to Section 105 AktG between 22 July 2008 and 21 July 2009
Re-elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board from 4 March 2010
Renè Denner,
Deputy chairmanEmployee representative
Member of the Audit Committee
Member of the General and Personnel Committee
Member of the Mediation CommitteeDeputy Chairman since 22 March 2023
Member of the Supervisory Board since 1 October 2019Falk Bindheim
Employee representative
Member of the Supervisory Board since 22 March 2023
Susan-Stefanie Breitkopf
Shareholder representative
Member of the Supervisory Board until 21 March 2024
Isabel De Paoli
Shareholder representative
Member of the Nominating Committee
Member of the Supervisory Board since 25 June 2020
Tania von der Goltz
Shareholder representative
Member of the Supervisory Board since 10 April 2018
Peter Kameritsch
Shareholder representative
Chairman of the Audit Committee
Member of the Supervisory Board since 27 May 2021
Brigitte Koblizek
Employee representative
Member of the Supervisory Board since 30 March 2022
Heike Madan
Employee representative
Member of the Audit Committee
Member of the Supervisory Board since 22 March 2023
Jeffrey Marx
Employee representative
Member of the Mediation Committee
Member of the Supervisory Board since 06 March 2020
Stefan Müller
Shareholder representative
Chairman of the Nominating Committee
Member of the General and Personnel CommitteeMember of the Supervisory Board since 21 March 2024
Dr. Christian Münster
Employee representative
Member of the General and Personnel Committee
Member of the Supervisory Board since 22 March 2023
Torsten Reitze
Shareholder representative
Member of the Audit Committee
Member of the Mediation CommitteeMember of the Supervisory Board since 27 May 2021
Information on other memberships of the Supervisory Board members on statutory supervisory boards and similar supervisory bodies of companies within the ZEISS Group and at other companies can be found in the notes accompanying the consolidated financial statements in the Annual Report 2023/24 on page 142 et seq.
Detailed information on the participation of the Supervisory Board members in Supervisory Board and committee meetings can be found in the Annual Report 2023/24 in the Report of the Supervisory Board on page 16 et seq.
Pursuant to Section C.6 of the German Corporate Governance Code 2022 (DCGK 2022), there should be a certain number of independent members on the shareholder side that shareholders deem appropriate; the ownership structure should be taken into account. In its own estimation, the Supervisory Board has an adequate number of independent members with Isabel De Paoli, Peter Kameritsch and Tania von der Goltz, also taking the ownership structure of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG into consideration, in which Carl Zeiss AG directly and indirectly holds a share of around 59.1%, who have no business or personal relationship with Carl Zeiss Meditec AG or the Management Board or Carl Zeiss AG as controlling shareholder.
Pursuant to C.7 DCGK 2022 more than half of the shareholder representatives are independent from the Company and from the Management Board. Members of the Supervisory Board who have no personal or business relationship with the Company or the Management Board that could give rise to a material and not merely temporary conflict of interest are deemed to be independent. When assessing independence, particular consideration shall be given to whether the Supervisory Board member himself or a close family member of him- has been a member of the Company's Management Board for the two years preceding the appointment
- currently or in the year up to his appointment, directly or as a shareholder or in a responsible function of a company outside the Group, has or has had a significant business relationship with the Company or a company dependent on it,
- is a close family member of a member of the Management Board, or
- has been a member of the Supervisory Board for more than twelve years.
Taking into account these indicators set out in C.7 DCGK 2022, all members of the Supervisory Board are independent on the shareholder side in the sense of C.7 DCGK. Although Dr. Karl Lamprecht is a member of the Management Board of the controlling shareholder and Stefan Müller is also a member of the Management Board of the controlling shareholder since 1 Jan 2024, they are considered independent within the meaning of C.7 GCGC 2022. This also applies to Torsten Reitze, who holds the position of Managing Director at an affiliated company of Carl Zeiss Meditec AG.
Pursuant to C.10 DCGK 2022, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Chairman of the committee responsible for the remuneration of the Management Board should also be independent from the Company and the Management Board. In addition, the Chairman of the Audit Committee should be independent from the controlling shareholder. The Audit Committee is chaired by Peter Kameritsch, who is independent of Carl Zeiss AG. The Chairman of the whole Supervisory Board as well as the General and Personnel Committee, and therefore Chairman of the committee responsible for the remuneration of the Management Board, is Dr. Karl Lamprecht.
There were no conflicts of interest on the Supervisory Board in fiscal year 2023/24.
The Supervisory Board is also responsible for long-term succession planning for the Management Board. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board holds regular meetings with the Chairman of the Management Board to discuss this. The subject is also discussed by the General and Personnel Committee of the Supervisory Board. They deliberate on the contract terms and renewal options for current members of the Management Board and advise on potential candidates for succession. When filling positions, both external and internal candidates are considered. Particular attention is paid to filling the positions with internal candidates who have the necessary qualifications and experience. Succession planning extends internally to potential candidates throughout the ZEISS Group.
The basic eligibility criteria for selecting candidates for a Management Board position are accordingly based on the knowledge required to fulfill the tasks for the area of responsibility to be taken over, professional qualifications, personality, integrity, management qualities and previous achievements and knowledge about the Company.
The Supervisory Board decides which person should be appointed to a specific position on the Management Board in the interests of the Company and taking all circumstances of the individual case into consideration. In summary, the Supervisory Board considers in particular the following aspects:- The members of the Management Board should have many years of management experience, also in the international field
- The Management Board as a whole should have many years of experience in the field of medical technology
- The Management Board as a whole should have many years of experience within Carl Zeiss Meditec and the Zeiss Group
- The Supervisory Board has stipulated an age limit of 65 years for the members of the Management Board in its Rules of Procedure
The Supervisory Board regularly assesses the effectiveness of its committees and of the Supervisory Board as a whole. During the past fiscal year the Supervisory Board conducted a self-assessment, to evaluate the efficiency of its activities. This took the form of a questionnaire, in which the members of the Supervisory Board gave their appraisal of the effectiveness of the work of the Supervisory Board and its committees and suggested possibilities for improvement.
The questionnaire contains questions about the following topics, among others: Quality of meeting preparation, running of Supervisory Board meetings, communication between the members of the Supervisory Board, input from the committees, number of committees and frequency of their meetings.
After evaluating the questionnaires, the results and the possibilities for improvement were discussed at the next regular plenary session. Proposed recommendations for the work of the Supervisory Board were discussed and an agreement reached on their implementation.
Further information on the cooperation of the Management Board and Supervisory Board, the composition and method of working of the committees can be found in the Report of the Supervisory Board and the notes accompanying the consolidated financial statements in the 2023/24 Annual Report.