
This website is only for basic information. It is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining your own medical consultation, during which you will be informed also about possible risks, side effects and restrictions of refractive & cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are approved or offered in every country and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another.

Millions of people across the globe are already enjoying improved vision thanks to Lenticule Extraction with ZEISS SMILE. And you could too – find out here if you are suitable for ZEISS SMILE laser vision correction.

Can my vision be improved?

Objects near to you are clear and sharp but you have difficulty seeing objects in the distance.

This is a common sight problem called myopia (or near-sightedness). You can improve your sight with glasses or contact lenses. Alternatively, you may want to contact your eye doctor to see if ZEISS SMILE is an option for you.

You can see far away objects clearly but things nearby are blurred and out of focus.

You might have hyperopia, or far-sightedness. ZEISS SMILE is currently not able to correct hyperopia. Please talk to your doctor to find out what other ZEISS technologies might be the best option for you.

Your vision is blurred and you know you have astigmatism.

Astigmatism means your eye’s shape is more oval like a football. This can lead to blurred vision, headaches and eye strain. ZEISS SMILE aims to reduce or eliminate myopia with or without astigmatism. Take the next step by contacting your eye doctor.

Find out more from your eye doctor

Discover for certain if you can get laser vision correction

Your doctor can give you more details about ZEISS SMILE and confirm if you are a suitable candidate for laser vision correction. ZEISS SMILE is approved for patients with near-sightedness (myopia) with or without astigmatism. Please talk to your eye doctor for more individual advice and see if ZEISS SMILE is the right choice for you.

To be a candidate for the procedure with ZEISS SMILE, you should be over 182, have a stable prescription and be in good health with no history of eye disease. In any case, your eye doctor is the right person to advise you on the best way to proceed and show you your possibilities.

The ZEISS SMILE suitability check

Am I a suitable candidate for laser vision correction?

To be considered for vision correction with ZEISS SMILE, you will need to be assessed by your eye doctor to determine if you are suitable for the procedure. If you are at least 22 years of age2, have a stable prescription that has not changed by more than 0.50 diopters in the year before surgery and have healthy eyes free from retinal problems or other eye diseases, you may be eligible for ZEISS SMILE laser vision correction. Please note, you cannot have surgery with ZEISS SMILE if you are pregnant or nursing.

If you have other eye conditions, such as glaucoma, cataracts or retinal diseases, you cannot be considered for the surgery. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, hepatitis C, herpetic eye infections, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or are taking immunosuppressive drugs, please inform your doctor as this may affect your candidacy and/or healing.

Are there any age restrictions?

Minimum and maximum age limits for ZEISS SMILE patients

ZEISS SMILE laser vision correction is available to all eligible patients over 22 years of age and older2 as long as you meet the general health criteria mentioned above.

Is laser vision correction compatible with my job?

People in many occupations benefit from improved vision with ZEISS SMILE

If you are an emergency responder, builder, lorry driver, photographer, IT consultant or a professional athlete, you should talk to your eye doctor to see if ZEISS SMILE is right for you.

While it is true you need to make an informed decision about any possible side effects or consequences, as every healing process is different. Many patients recover from the procedure within a few weeks and may go back to work. Speak to your eye doctor about what the recovery might look like for you.

Supporting an active lifestyle

Enjoying sports after ZEISS SMILE laser vision correction

If you lead an active lifestyle, you may find glasses and contact lenses get in the way more than they help; your glasses constantly slipping during a workout or run, taking out your lenses before swimming, having to invest in prescription eyewear for your favorite sport. ZEISS SMILE aims to eliminate or reduce your dependency on glasses or contact lenses.

Check your prescription

The refractive ranges that ZEISS SMILE can correct

You might already know your prescription from a previous eye test for glasses or contact lenses. The procedure with ZEISS SMILE may be suitable for anyone who meets the eligibility criteria in addition to the refractive ranges below3:

  • Sphere: -1.00 to -10.00 Diopters
  • Astigmatism: -0.75 to -3.00 Diopters
  • Spherical equivalent: up to -10.00 Diopters

Options and alternatives

Who can help me decide if ZEISS SMILE is the right choice for me?

Even if you don’t think you are eligible for ZEISS SMILE, talk to your eye doctor. They are experts in all aspects of laser vision correction and know your individual medical history. Based on the current state of your eyes, you may still be a candidate for ZEISS SMILE or an alternative laser vision correction.

If, together with your eye doctor, you decide ZEISS SMILE laser vision correction is not suitable for you, there are other options you may want to consider:


A proven procedure

Since its introduction in the 1990s, the LASIK procedure has improved the vision of millions of patients across the globe. Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) is one of the most common solutions to correct refractive errors such as myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), astigmatism and to improve near vision of presbyopic patients..


Improved vision with PRK

PRK can correct most refractive errors, including near- and far-sightedness, as well as astigmatism. It is sometimes the preferred choice for patients with thinner corneas or those who want to avoid post-op complications caused by the flap created during LASIK.

Sticking with glasses

You can still benefit from ZEISS technology and precision

Of course, you could decide to keep using your glasses. ZEISS offers high-precision lenses which could even improve your current vision. Find out more about ZEISS branded lenses on our ZEISS Vision pages.

Find a ZEISS SMILE center near you

Providers offering the procedure with ZEISS SMILE

To find out more about ZEISS SMILE and your personal suitability, don’t hesitate to talk to a surgeon that uses ZEISS SMILE. To find a provider near you using ZEISS SMILE, search our clinic finder.

  • 1

    This website is only for basic information. It is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining your own medical consultation, during which you will be informed also about possible risks, side effects and restrictions of refractive & cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are approved or offered in every country and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another. This site is also not intended for patients and healthcare providers residing in the United States of America and Japan.

  • 2

    Please be aware that the suitable age range may vary from one country to another. Patients in the United States of America need to be at least 22 years of age.

  • 3

    Please be aware that the suitable treatment range may vary from one country to another. For Japan and Canada, the mentioned treatment range is not applicable.