
This website is only for basic information. It is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining your own medical consultation, during which you will be informed also about possible risks, side effects and restrictions of refractive & cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are approved or offered in every country and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another.

Treatment comparison

Here, you’ll find an overview of the most popular laser eye surgery procedures. While all three laser vision correction options have high success rates, they differ in the way refractive errors are treated, the technique used and the clinical criteria for the procedure. Your eye doctor can help you understand which option is best for your individual eye condition.

This table below shows a range of treatment options used in refractive laser vision correction.


  • Post-surgery

    Sleeping patch for the first few days


    The lowest risk of dry eye symptoms compared to LASIK and PRK

    Most patients may go back to work within 24 hours after surgery

    Some irritation like fluctuation vision, light sensitivity or halos around lights are quite common in the first few days


    Refrain from outdoor adventure and strenuous activities for approx. 1 month

  • Post-surgery

    Sleeping patch for the first few days


    Highest risk of dry eye symptoms

    Temporary visual fluctuations, light sensitivity or light halos may occur in the hours right after the surgery


    Refrain from outdoor adventure and strenuous activities for approx. 1 month

  • Post-surgery

    Bandage contact lens for about 3 days


    Vision may be blurry or fluctuate for several weeks after surgery

    You may experience some discomfort, such as slight eye pain, burning, itching or sensitivity to light

    Lower risk of dry eye symptom than after LASIK


    Refrain from outdoor adventure and strenuous activities for approx. 1 month

Make an informed decision

Lenticule Extraction with ZEISS SMILE, LASIK, and PRK/LASEK are all clinically proven, safe, and effective methods of laser vision correction. The three types of laser vision correction, while differing in technique, have approximately the same success rate concerning vision correction.

Which treatment is best for you depends on several factors like the refractive error, your profession, and habits such as lifestyle and sports. Each type of laser eye surgery has its own benefits and disadvantages, which you can read more about on the respective pages for Lenticule Extraction with ZEISS SMILE, LASIK and PRK/LASEK.

Find the right eye doctor

Let them help you to find the best option for your individual eye condition.

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    This website is only for basic information. It is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining your own medical consultation, during which you will be informed also about possible risks, side effects and restrictions of refractive & cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are approved or offered in every country and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another.