Smiling doctor listens to patient.

Possible side-effects from laser eye correction

The facts about ZEISS SMILE®

Laser eye surgery is a clinically proven and established method of treating refractive errors and like any other surgical procedure, ZEISS SMILE laser eye surgery is not free of risks and side-effects. Your surgeon will perform a pre-surgery health assessment and eyesight checks to ensure any risk is minimized. It is important you know about any possible side-effects so you can identify them quickly and discuss them with your doctor. Your surgeon can tell you more about the risks of laser eye correction before you decide to proceed with eye surgery.

ZEISS SMILE facts & figures

  • 7,000,000

    ZEISS SMILE has treated over 7 million eyes worldwide.

  • Flapless

    ZEISS SMILE offers vision correction without creating a flap in the cornea.

  • 30 Seconds

    On average, the laser portion takes approximately 30 seconds or less.

Over or under correction

When your vision does not fully improve

Not everyone achieves a complete improvement in vision after laser eye surgery. The amount of vision correction can vary depending on individual conditions. A residual refractive error can remain, which means some patients will still need glasses or contacts after surgery. If under or over correction occurs, follow-up surgery can correct the remaining residual refractive error.

Dry eye syndrome

A common side effect that is treatable

Dry and scratchy eyes are probably the two most common side effects after laser eye surgery. Luckily, the conditions do not usually last long in most patients, and they are easy to treat with artificial tears or other treatment options.

Because ZEISS SMILE laser eye surgery is minimally invasive, patients may experience less dry eye symptoms after the procedure.

If you had been diagnosed with dry eyes previously, you should mention this to your doctor during your pre-surgery consultation. Your surgeon can then advise you on post-op treatments that can minimize any potential discomfort.

Issues with eyesight

Will you have perfect vision after surgery?

Your vision should stabilize within a few weeks after the ZEISS SMILE procedure. Some issues with your eyes, such as night vision glare or double vision, may pass within a few weeks of having the procedure. However, despite careful preparation, not everyone experiences a complete improvement in their vision after surgery. Your surgeon may not be able to completely correct some residual refractive errors so you may still need glasses or contact lenses.

Man rubbing his eyes.

Night vision
You may have trouble with your night vision or when you are in a dark environment. Seeing glares and halos around lights, including oncoming car headlights, are common in the days after surgery. If you do experience them, you may want to temporarily refrain from driving. In most cases, the glare is more common in the early post-operative period and gradually disappears.

Double vision
In very rare cases, patients can experience cloudy or double vision. Hazy vision is more common among patients who were severely nearsighted, and some people also complain of image ghosting or double vision. Double vision, also known as diplopia, is when you see two blurred images when focusing on a single object. Should you experience any of these conditions, you should contact your doctor.

Single ZEISS Smile laser.

Medical complications

Recognizing potential risks

Every surgery carries risks, and the side effects explained here can be associated to all laser eye correction, including LASIK and PRK. However, ZEISS SMILE is a minimally invasive procedure with a small incision and no need to create a flap in the cornea. As such, with ZEISS SMILE there is no chance of developing a complication related to the flap.

Eye with infection.


As with any surgical procedure, there is always a very small probability of developing post-operative infections. Remember to always use the medicated eye drops prescribed for you after surgery to minimize the risk of infection. If your eye turns red, is painful or there is a loss of vision, it is important to call your doctor immediately. Infections can be cured if they are identified at an early stage but can leave serious damage if they are not promptly treated.

Doctor in talks with patient.

Corneal Ectasia

In rare cases a condition called corneal ectasia may occur any time (even years) after the surgery. Ectasia is the progressive thinning of the cornea which weakens the front of the eye and causes it to bulge.

To restore your vision, you may need to wear glasses or lenses or, in extreme cases, undergo additional eye surgery.

Does SMILE cause or worsen astigmatism?

You may have heard that laser eye surgery could cause astigmatism or make an existing condition worse. The fact is that chances of developing postoperative astigmatism are very low. And, of course, ZEISS SMILE may be used to correct the condition.

Before your operation, your surgeon will go through comprehensive medical checks to establish your overall health and the condition of your eyes. If you have astigmatism, you and your surgeon can discuss the procedure and go through any possible side effects together.

The ZEISS SMILE patient information booklet

Everything you need to know in one place

To make it easier for you, we have created a Patient Information Booklet which you can conveniently download for reference on the ZEISS SMILE Procedure. It will tell you everything you need to know, including any side effects that were not covered on this page.

Hear what actual patients are saying about ZEISS SMILE

Millions of people worldwide had a ZEISS SMILE laser eye correction. Hear from them directly, what they thought and how they experienced the procedure.

Brodie DeJernett OD

“My ZEISS SMILE treatment just took under 20 minutes and I noticed a fast visual recovery!”

Brodie DeJernett OD

Therapeutic optometrist from Texas
Trista Carmouche

“My vision is now 20/20 and I can't even remember a time when I inserted contacts or searched blindly for my glasses. Those are all distant memories now! SMILE changed my entire life.”

Trista Carmouche

Tech professional from Texas
Map of the United States.

Find a ZEISS SMILE clinic near you!

Eye clinics offering the ZEISS SMILE procedure

Not every eye clinic is using ZEISS technology or offers the ZEISS SMILE procedure. ZEISS SMILE is only offered at clinics where they have invested in the ZEISS VisuMax laser, a highly prescise and computer-guided femtosecond laser. Click the link below to find a doctor that offers ZEISS technology. If your surgeon does not have a VisuMax femtosecond laser, they cannot perform ZEISS SMILE for you.