
We understand.

Benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) vs. open surgery

Keeping you at the center stage.

We at ZEISS understand the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery. Keeping you and your daily needs as surgeons at the center stage is what matters most to us. Every day we strive to understand your advanced visualization needs, allowing you to fully concentrate on your patients.

Your aspirations. To see things differently.

ZEISS has been a pioneering force in the development of surgical microscopes since the 1950s. We continue to innovate technologies to keep you on the leading edge of patient care.

We believe that surgical microscopes enhance your performance and aid your decision-making. You need more than excellent magnification and illumination, you need state-of-the-art visualization so that you can fully focus on your patient.

We understand.

Your expectations. To have stability and freedom of movement.

We believe that meaningful innovation comes from a deep understanding of the workflow challenges. Over 60% of spine surgeons suffer from lower back pain, and 59% from neck pain.1 That’s almost three times higher than the general population.

You need an advanced visualization system that is ergonomically designed and does not contribute to musculoskeletal disorders. One with the flexibility to ensure unrestricted and precise positioning. Designed for maneuverability with stability that you can rely on. You need a visualization system with a wide range and clearance so you can see, move and operate easily.

With complete freedom of movement, you can fully concentrate on your patients.

We understand.

Your connections. To intuitively link your devices and minds.

Today’s surgical environment continues to evolve. Your visualization system should be a fully integrated part of this new landscape. Smart and intuitive to use, it should be able to record and connect, so others can see what you see, and experience what you experience. In an increasingly digital world, data should be seamlessly accessible, transferrable and secure.

A fully integrated advanced visualization system connects you. With seamless communication and effortless connection, you can provide even better patient care.

We understand.

We understand the benefits of MISS.

Here are some of the impressive facts!

Please download the infographic to experience the advantages of MISS:

  • Benefits for patients

  • Role of microscopy in MISS

  • Benefits for surgeons and hospitals

We understand.

Benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) vs. open surgery

Download MISS Infographic

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  • 1

    Auerbach JD et al. Musculoskeletal disorders among spine surgeons. Spine2011;36:E1715-1721.