Microdentistry: It is not magic – it is magnification

Peer-to-peer experience sharing on using a dental microscope
Our eyes and hands form a team that works together in perfect coordination. We call this hand-to-eye coordination.
It can be improved even more by detailed vision, optimal lighting conditions, and comfort – the three pillars of microscope dentistry.
Surely, improved visual diagnosis is one of the main advantages of using a microscope, but a very close second is visual control and accurate guidance of our instruments in three dimensions. Not only when prepping, but also when sculpting, bonding, and polishing.
In other words: your eyes guide your instruments with micrometric precision.
Additionally, the NoGlare and the Fluorescence Mode offer a new approach to treating your patients’ teeth by enabling you to better distinguish between dental tissues and artificial materials.
In essence, microscopes provide dentists an almost magically detailed approach to treat patients that is impossible to match with naked eyes.
And this delivers better, more predictable, and longer-lasting treatment results for both patients and dentists. In one word, microscopes are something highly beneficial for everyone involved in the dental process.