Microscope and endodontic microsurgery
Webinar recorded at ZEISS Dental Week 2021

Peer-to-peer experience sharing on all aspects of the use of the microscope in microsurgery
One of the key factors in the successful execution of endodontic microsurgery is the proper use of the microscope. There are two elements critical to the use of the microscope: positioning of the patient and the steps to use the microscope. Not all steps of the microsurgery need a microscope. For instance, flap elevation, initial osteotomy procedure, and suturing do not need microscope usage. However, steps in between require the proper use of the microscope. In this presentation, every step of the microsurgery will be explained from the points of proper use of the microscope. In addition to the completion of a surgery, proper usage of the microscope supports you to perform a smaller osteotomy, precise identification of the canal anatomy on the resected root surface, the most critical point of the surgery, and complete elimination of granulation tissues.