Expert discussion

Modern periodontics: Strategy gives you the direction, technology leads the way

Keynote presentation and panel discussion recorded during ZEISS Dental Week 2022

7 March 2022 · 58 min watch
Rino Burkhardt DDS, MAS in Periodontology
Keynote speaker Rino Burkhardt DDS, MAS in Periodontology Zurich, Switzerland
Associate Professor Marko Jakovac DMD, MSc, PhD
Panel discussion guest Associate Professor Marko Jakovac DMD, MSc, PhD Zagreb, Croatia
Associate Professor Kristina Badalyan DDS, PhD
Panel discussion guest Associate Professor Kristina Badalyan DDS, PhD Moscow, Russia
Diego Velásquez DDS, MSD
Panel discussion guest Diego Velásquez DDS, MSD Michigan, USA

Peer-to-peer experience sharing on modern periodontics: Strategy gives you the direction, technology leads you the way

Even if the evidence-based scientific database of the use of a surgical microscope in periodontics is still limited there is no doubt about its overall beneficial impact on the results and thus its clinical relevance.

The presentation will focus on two aspects of the operating microscope (OPMI), which both substantially contribute to better patient satisfaction and clinical outcome in the treatment of periodontally diseased patients.

As clinical experience is not enough to acquire technical expertise, a training program for novices and advanced periodontal microsurgery will be outlined as a basis for critical review in the panel discussion.

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