On-demand webinar

The microsurgical concept in periodontal therapy – revisited

Webinar recorded at ZEISS Dental Week 2021

6 May 2021 · 54 min watch
Author Dr. Rino Burkhardt, DDS, MAS in Periodontology Zurich, Switzerland

Peer-to-peer experience sharing on the microsurgical concept in periodontal therapy based on clinical cases

Decades ago, the microsurgical concept in periodontology evolved from minimally invasive approaches in other surgical specialties. Since the introduction of the operating microscope (OPMI) in periodontology, the concept has been modified manifold as an increasing amount of in-depth knowledge about the key factors for successful periodontal microsurgery became available. Based on some exemplary clinical cases, the present webinar sheds light on the technical (OPMI and instruments) and human factor (training and psychomotor skills) requirements for a periodontal microsurgery that leads to better operational performance, patient safety, and overall better clinical results compared to the ones achieved by a conventional approach. Additionally, the effect of the microsurgical approach on mucosal wound healing will be explained stepwise and illustrated by videos of operated patients. A conclusive presentation of actual study results documents the scientific evidence of the beneficial effects that periodontal microsurgery has on patients.

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