On-demand webinar
3D exoscopic visualization in neurosurgery: a hybrid approach
Webinar recorded during ZEISS Neuro Week 2021
1 July 2022
· 34 min watch

Michael Louis A Gimenez, MD
Chair Brain and Spine Institute, Cardinal Santos Medical Center, Manila, Philippines

Aaron Cohen-Gadol, MD
President Neurosurgical Atlas and Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA
Applications of 3D exoscopic visualization in neurosurgery with ZEISS KINEVO 900
In their talk, Michael Louis A. Gimenez, MD and Aaron Cohen-Gadol, MD are presenting their experiences with 4K 3D exoscopic visualization in neurosurgery using a hybrid technology. In the first part, Michael Louis A. Gimenez, MD discusses the advantages and benefits of the 3D exoscope as an alternative visualization platform throughout different neurosurgical cases. In the second part, Aaron Cohen-Gadol, MD talks about the use of a robotic exoscope and its capabilities.