On-demand webinar
Endoscopic Micro-Inspection Tool assisted tumor resection and neurovascular surgery
Webinar recorded during ZEISS Neuro Week 2020
16 December 2020
· 20 min watch
Asim Sheikh FRCS (SN)
Consultant Skullbase Neurosurgeon, Leeds General Infirmary, United Kingdom
Case examples for endoscopic Micro-Inspection Tool assisted tumor resection and neurovascular surgery using QEVO
In this recorded webinar, neurosurgeon Asim Sheikh FRCS shares clinical cases from his practice, where he experienced the endoscopic view of QEVO as a helpful add on. Main examples are meningioma cases, where he used the endoscopic view for dissecting remaining tumor at the end of the microscopic resection. Additionally, he presents neurovascular cases, where he used the endoscopic view for intraoperatively checking the position of clip blades.