On-demand webinar
Value of progression analysis for long term patient management
Tailor glaucoma treatment plan per the rate of progression determined by integrated structure-function analysis.
27 September 2022
· 18 min watch

Dr. Pilar Casas de Llera, MD, PhD
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Glaucoma Specialist, Fernández Casas Oftalmólogos Torrelavega, Cantabria, Spain
Tailor glaucoma treatment plan and optimize management strategies per the rate of progression determined by integrated structure-function analysis.
Presentation recorded at EGS 2022 ZEISS Industry Symposium provides clinical examples of optimizing glaucoma management strategies. Learn about defining individual treatment plans for each glaucoma patient depending on patient condition, type and stage of glaucoma by using integration of OCT and visual field data for combined structure-function analysis with implementation of novel 24-2C and OCT Angiography tests.