Scientific presentation
Cataract surgery refraction planning considering binocular summation and its impact on depth of focus
31 July 2024
· 5 min watch

Dr. rer. medic. Johannes Weisensee
Dr. rer. medic. Johannes Weisensee is a freelance consultant for private eye clinics and the ophthalmic industry. He has over 25 years experience in refractive surgery, cataract surgery, biometry, IOL optics and clinical workflows.
Cataract surgery refraction planning considering binocular summation and its impact on depth of focus
In this recorded presentation from the ZEISS EMEA Presbyopia Day 2023, Dr. rer. medic. Johannes Weisensee shares his experience with binocular summation and utilizing target refraction for improving clinical outcomes with ZEISS ASPHINA 409MP.