Simplifying complexities in Cataract Surgery

Simplifying complexities in Cataract Surgery
Streamlined workflows can simplify your procedures and ease up your cataract surgery especially when it comes to routine cataract surgery. With facing the current circumstances and the new hygienic standards, workflows have to be efficient and patient interactions needs to be reduced to a minimum. All this will be addressed and discussed during this session by a panel of internationally renowned surgeons with Thomas Kohnen as moderator. Through cases, Douglas Koch will describe the importance of catching irregularities at the cornea and the retina prior to cataract surgery. After learning more on the diagnostic aspects, Prof. Findl will introduce his way of working with digital solutions for remote workflow. Finally, Dr. Gerald Roper and Dr. Andreas Borkenstein will illuminate their approaches to simplify cataract surgery procedures from an intra-operative perspective with interesting challenging cases. Join our recorded session from last ESCRS in 2020 and learn more on latest technology in cataract surgery!