Take a closer look: How to benefit from intraoperative OCT

Take a closer look: How to benefit from intraoperative OCT
OCT is a well-known technology in ophthalmic diagnostics. Nowadays, the integration of the OCT into the operating room is also becoming more and more popular. There are many studies and articles describing the clinical value of intraoperative OCT in ophthalmic surgery. However, as a practice-oriented surgeon you might ask yourself: Does this technology really bring added value to my daily routine?
In this webinar your peers will take you to a deep dive in this new era of surgical visualization sharing their experiences gained in intraoperative OCT-assisted surgery. As leading experts in anterior and posterior segment surgery, your colleagues will provide insights on how they are using the real-time intraoperative visual information to improve their daily routine. Seeing case presentations from their respective specialties, you can get your own impression of the clinical value of this emerging technology.