Technological advancements in local therapy for brain tumors

Brain tumor treatment using handheld confocal endomicroscopy and intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT)
In this recorded webinar, Peter Nakaji, MD (starting at minute 01:24), and Christopher P. Cifarelli, MD, PhD, FAANS, FACS (starting at minute 27:25) talk about their experience with latest technology from ZEISS for brain tumor treatment.
In the first part of the webinar, Dr. Nakaji speaks about intraoperative brain imaging using the technique of handheld confocal endomicroscopy. In his presentation he mentions unmet needs during neurosurgical tumor removal and presents how fluorescein-driven confocal endomicroscopy for visualizing micro-structures could support in this challenge. In the second part of the webinar, Dr. Cifarelli talks about the impact of combining radiotherapy and surgery for patients with glioblastomas. In his presentation, insights of the workflow of using intraoperative radiotherapy are provided.