Expert discussion

Expert panel on tumor workflow

Webinar recorded during ZEISS Neuro Week 2020

18 December 2020 · 47 min watch
Panel Chair Jesus Lafuente MD, PhD Hospital Universitario del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Multidisciplinary expert panel member Dr. Jens Gempt
Multidisciplinary expert panel member Francesco Acerbi, MD, PhD
Multidisciplinary expert panel member Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schlegel
Multidisciplinary expert panel member Asim Sheikh FRCS (SN)
Multidisciplinary expert panel member Dr. Henning Kahl

Multidisciplinary expert panel on tumor workflow

During this recorded session moderated by Jesus Lafuente, MD, PhD questions on adding endoscopic visualization, confocal endomicroscopy and intraoperative radiotherapy to the neurosurgical workflow are answered by the multidisciplinary expert panel.

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