Doctors to Patients

Vision Simulation Tools

for ophthalmic professionals

Helping your patients better understand their vision impairment and the modern treatment options, exclusive for ZEISS Ophthalmic Customers.

How is vision affected by common eye disorders, and how can it be effectively corrected?

Demonstrate how cataracts, presbyopia and refractive errors impair vision quality, and how it can be improved with ZEISS advanced IOL and PRESBYOND solutions.

  • IOL Vision Simulation Tool

    Let your cataract patients prepare for consultation by using the digital tool simulating changes caused by cataracts and other vision disorders, and possible treatment results with different IOL types.

  • IOL Vision Simulator Pro​

    Enhance your patient consultation with the advanced Vision Simulator demonstrating and comparing post-operative vision outcomes provided by different IOLs to treat cataracts, presbyopia and pre-existing refractive errors.

  • Halo & Glare Simulator

    Visualize possible light phenomena at night before and after IOL implantation and manage patient expectations with the interactive web-app.

  • PRESBYOND Vision Simulator​ ​

    Explain vision changes caused by presbyopia, as well as the treatment procedure, and the possible results with ZEISS PRESBYOND using the digital simulator during your patient consultations.​

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