ZEISS Refractive Workplace Optimize your workflow with integrated remote planning.
Refractive Workplace® from ZEISS is a software1 offering comprehensive and integrated remote planning for laser vision correction procedures with ZEISS Refractive Lasers. Designed to support your refractive laser treatment, it lets you conveniently and efficiently plan upcoming standard and premium procedures. This includes Lenticule Extraction with SMILE® pro and PRESBYOND® from ZEISS, a software option for patients with presbyopia. Refractive Workplace functions as part of the ZEISS Medical Ecosystem with connectivity to FORUM®, the ophthalmic data management system that gives you access to patient diagnostics in one digital platform.

Integrated workflow
For diagnostics, refractive lasers, and nomogram analysis.
ZEISS Refractive Workplace can help you modernize your clinical workflow with convenient review and planning. With digital connectivity to FORUM, you can view and select diagnostic data for each patient on one platform.
The software can help you optimize laser vision correction procedure planning as well as therapeutic laser treatments. Enter your planning parameters easily into the intuitive user interface. Saved treatment plans can be quickly retrieved, while all necessary information is digitally transferred from Refractive Workplace via FORUM to VISUMAX 800 and MEL 90 from ZEISS. It all adds up to a streamlined workflow that delivers enhanced efficiency and reduces the possibility of transcription errors. There is no need to manually plan the treatment on the device. Even nomograms, created with VISULYZE® from ZEISS2, can be viewed and used within the next SMILE treatment planning.

Remote treatment planning
The platform for evaluation, planning, and advanced treatment modules.
The diagnostic data made available by FORUM can be used in Refractive Workplace from ZEISS, empowering your remote planning. Simply choose your treatment type, then add your parameters. When selecting your patient for laser vision correction, the most relevant assistant functions can be preset – saving you and your staff valuable OR time. For added convenience, the software automatically reviews your parameters to make sure there are no errors.
Refractive Workplace is your helpful tool for efficient planning with VISUMAX 800 and MEL 90 from ZEISS in the comfort of your clinical rooms away from the OR.

Configurable workspace
With treatment planning for a broad range of procedures.
ZEISS Refractive Workplace offers a configurable workspace, making it perfectly suited for different devices and its treatment options. From Femto-LASIK and PRK to SMILE pro and PRESBYOND, you are in position to plan your treatments with ZEISS Refractive Lasers. You can combine treatment planning for both our femtosecond and excimer lasers in one plan. It also includes the PRESBYOND treatment planning option for the MEL 90 excimer laser from ZEISS with the option to use 250 Hz or the new 500 Hz.
As part of the FORUM solution, you benefit from the scalability of the solution depending on your clinic size and specialties offered. Connect every workstation, or only necessary ones, to ZEISS Refractive Workplace for every required staff member. As part of the ZEISS Medical Ecosystem, you can easily add other workplace software, including Cataract, Glaucoma and Retina, to meet your clinical demands.

Nomogram import
For nomograms created by ZEISS VISULYZE.
ZEISS VISULYZE is our data reporting and personalized nomogram creation software tool that gives you a clear overview of your clinical results and lets you generate standard and personalized nomograms. With VISULYZE, you can easily export your nomograms – and with Refractive Workplace you can import these digital nomograms for use with the VISUMAX 800 from ZEISS. Select your nomograms in the planning section of ZEISS Refractive Workplace and the values will be automatically updated to show correct adjustments and parameters. Combined, these powerful software tools can give you the potential to generally improve outcome predictability.
ZEISS Refractive Workplace
FORUM version 4.2 must have been installed and licensed on the server. Other FORUM versions are not supported.Supported operating systems:Windows® 10 (64 bit)Windows Server® 2019
FORUM Viewer must be installed on the clients.For an adequately large display of the user interface, configure the screen size and display options in the operating system so that max. 93 ppi (pixels per inch) are displayed. For instance, this corresponds to a 24" monitor with full HD resolution (1,920 × 1,080 pixels).Supported operating system:Windows® 10 (64 bit)
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Refractive Workplace is available in the USA as a software classified as non medical device.
VISULYZE is available in the USA as a software classified as non medical device.