Product Family


Wider range of focus and less visual side effects

The EDoF IOLs AT LARA® 829MP and AT LARA toric 929M/MP from ZEISS are designed to provide a high degree of spectacle independence, as well as to induce less visual side effects compared to multifocal IOLs, enabling excellent vision over a wide range of focus.

  • Increased spectacle independence
  • Less visual side effects
  • Growing your premium business

The perfect balance

between increased spectacle independence and less visual side effects

  • A wide range of focus from far to near-intermediate distances
  • Spectacle independence for intermediate and far distances
  • Less visual side effects than with multifocal IOLs
  • Aberration-neutral aspheric design and advanced chromatic correction for optimized contrast sensitivity

Increased spectacle independence

AT LARA IOLs from ZEISS are designed to provide a wider range of focus than the previous generation of EDoF lenses. For higher spectacle independence and excellent visual acuity, in particular at intermediate distances.

See how clinical results substantiate it

Clinical results confirm excellent visual acuity over a wide range of focus

Binocular visual acuity was better than 0 logMAR (20/20 res. 1.0 decimal) at far and better than 0.1 logMAR (20/25 resp. 0.8 decimal) at intermediate distances of 90 cm, 80 cm and 60 cm.1

Defocus curve of AT LARA EdoF IOL

The defocus curve shows a continuous range of focus from far to near intermediate distances: Visual acuity is better than 0.1 logMAR (20/25 resp. 0.8 decimal) up to approx. 55 cm and better than 0.2 logMAR (20/32 resp. 0.63 decimal) up to approx. 45 cm.1

This allows your patients to carry out many of their daily activities free of spectacles, including socializing, shopping or sport.

High patient satisfaction and spectacle independence

Clinical studies that investigated patient-reported outcomes after ZEISS AT LARA IOL implantation confirm high patient satisfaction and spectacle independence.

More than 90% of patients are very satisfied or satisfied2 and more than 80% of patients are spectacle independent2 using the ZEISS AT LARA IOL implantation.

  • 1

    Tarib, I. et al.: Postoperative Results in Patients Implanted with a Novel Enhanced Depth of Focus lntraocular Lens. EC Ophthalmology. March 2018

  • 2

    Schallhorn, S. et al. (2019): “Initial Clinical Outcomes of a New Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lens”. Journal of Refractive Surgery

Less visual side effects

The ZEISS AT LARA optical design and patented Smooth Microphase (SMP) technology minimize light scattering and thus visual side effects. For more visual comfort, in particular at night.

Learn about SMP technology & clinical study results on visual side effects

Patented SMP technology

Smooth Microphase (SMP) technology
Patented Zeiss SMP design

Patented SMP technology

The patented SMP technology minimizes glare and introduces so-called phase zones as part of the optical design. This creates an ideal surface design with much shallower angles that can be manufactured more precisely, thus minimizing the amount of light scatter.

Conventional diffractive IOL design

Conventional diffractive IOL design

In conventional IOL designs, the ideal surface contains steps with sharp angles that cannot be manufactured perfectly using the current technologies. As a consequence, a certain amount of light will be scattered in undefined directions causing glare.

Clinical results confirm low visual side effects

A study by Tarib, I. et al. shows that 86% of patients report no or very few side effects. 14% of patients report moderate side effects. NONE of the patients report severe side effects.1

Strength interval                 Percentage                       

None (0-25%)                            43%

Mild (25-50%)                             42.8%

Moderate (50-75%)                 14.2%

Severe (75-100%)                       0%


AT LARA night active patient

Clinical results confirm less visual side effects

ZEISS AT LARA lenses are an ideal choice for active patients wishing to perform most daily activities such as driving, shopping, sports, etc. without glasses, and who are sensitive to photic phenomena such as halos and glare.

Almost 80% of patients experience no or little side effects while driving a car at night.2

  • 1

    Tarib, I. et al.: Postoperative Results in Patients Implanted with a Novel Enhanced Depth of Focus lntraocular Lens. EC Ophthalmology. March 2018

  • 2

    Schallhorn, S. et al. (2019): “Initial Clinical Outcomes of a New Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lens”. Journal of Refractive Surgery

Growing your premium business

AT LARA IOLs from ZEISS allow you to address new patient groups with a premium solution, thus enabling you to cover different patients’ needs.

Depending on the level of spectacle independence that your patients wish to obtain, their individual habits and preconditions, and their sensitivity to visual side effects, you can choose between the ZEISS AT LARA family or another presbyopia correcting option, the ZEISS AT LISA tri family.

Which IOL to choose for which patient need?


Condition: Cataract and/or presbyopia and/or astigmatism

Wishing to attain spectacle independence for most daily activities

Driving frequently at night, sensitive to halos & glare

ZEISS AT LISA tri patient

Condition: Cataract and/or presbyopia and/or astigmatism

Wishing to attain maximum spectacle freedom at all distances and in all light conditions

Requiring good near vision to be able to read without the need of glasses, also in dim light


  • AT LISA tri & AT LARA mix and match Study spotlight EN

    File size: 386 KB
  • AT LARA Study Spotlight Long term clinical outcome EN

    File size: 98 KB

Are you a patient?

Please visit our patient website for more information on cataract treatment:


  • AT LARA Family Product Brochure EN

    File size: 817 KB
  • AT LARA 829MP & toric 929M/MP Datasheet EN

    File size: 112 KB



AT LARA 829MP preloaded
AT LARA toric 929M/MP preloaded
Optic Design
Diffractive, aspheric, Depth of Focus Extensions: +0.95 D and +1.9 D
Diffractive, bitoric, aspheric (aberration-neutral), Depth of Focus Extensions: +0.95 D and +1.9 D
Hydrophilic acrylate (25 % water content) with hydrophobic surface properties
Hydrophilic acrylate (25 % water content) with hydrophobic surface properties
Optic Diameter
6.0 mm
6.0 mm
Total Diameter
11.0 mm
11.0 mm
Haptic Angulation
Lens Design
Single-piece MICS
Single-piece, bitoric, MICS
Incision Size
1.8 mm
1.8 mm
Company Labeled A-Constant¹
Diopter Range
-10.0 to +32.0 D, 0.5 D increments
Spherical Equivalent (SE)
-4.0 to +32.0 D, 0.5 D increments³
+1.0 D to +12.0 D, 0.5 D increments³
Refractive Index
Implantation in
Capsular Bag
Capsular Bag
Injector/Cartridge Set²



Indicated for the visual correction of aphakia secondary to the removal of the crystalline lens in patients with cataract
Indicated for the visual correction of aphakia secondary to the removal of the crystalline lens in patients with cataract
Also indicated for non-cataractous, presbyopic patients who seek greater independence from glasses for intermediate and/or near distances
Also indicated for non-cataractous, presbyopic patients who seek greater independence from glasses for intermediate and/or near distances
ZEISS toric IOL are also indicated for the correction of regular corneal astigmatism

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  • 1

    For optimized A Constants and ACD Constants refer to IOLCon:

  • 2

    Please refer to our web page for the most up-to-date references:

  • 3

    The preloaded AT L ARA toric 929MP is available in the diopter range: spherical equivalent -8.0 to +32.0 D, cyl. +1.0 D to + 4.0 D. The non-preloaded AT L ARA toric 929M is available in the diopter ranges: spherical equivalent -4.0 D to +34.0 D, cyl. +4.5 D to +12.0 D. Further preselected SE/cylinder combinations are available above and below the stated SE range.