ZEISS IOLMaster 500 Trusting the experience of 100 million IOL power calculations
The IOLMaster® 500 from ZEISS is the gold standard in optical biometry, with more than 100 million successful IOL power calculations to date. The ZEISS IOLMaster 500 is a great choice for cataract surgeons looking for a reliable, fast and easy-to-use optical biometer for measurements they can depend on.

Refractive outcomes you can trust
The ZEISS IOLMaster is the only optical biometer to feature distance-independent telecentric keratometry.
It enables robust and repeatable measurements and shows excellent agreement with manual keratometry while achieving higher precision.1 In combination with a wide variety of established formulas, you can achieve refractive outcomes you can trust.2

Fast and easy to use
A well-designed user interface, plausibility checks, distance-independent measurements and a reading that’s up to 4 times faster compared to other optical devices provide outstanding usability and reduced chair time.3 You can measure both eyes in less than 60 seconds4. A difference you, your team and your patients will notice every day.

Advanced measurement of challenging eyes
In denser cataracts the ZEISS IOLMaster 500 achieves a measurement success ratio that is up to 20% higher than that of other optical biometers5, allowing a cataract penetration rate of more than 93%6. Even with staphyloma, pseudophakic and silicone-filled eyes, the ZEISS IOLMaster 500 measures along the visual axis. And with its Haigis-L formula, the ZEISS IOLMaster 500 allows IOL calculation for myopic and hyperopic post-LVC cases.

Precise and efficient markerless toric IOL alignment7, 8
The ZEISS IOLMaster 500 is an integral part of the ZEISS Cataract Suite. A reference image is acquired and used for intraoperative matching with the live eye image during cataract surgery. Manual marking steps can be skipped altogether for efficient8 and more precise7 toric IOL alignment with reduced residual astigmatism.9
ZEISS IOLMaster 500
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Bullimore MA, Buehren T, Bissmann W, Agreement between a partial coherence interferometer and 2 manual keratometers, J Cataract Refract Surg
Aristodemou P, Knox Cartwright NE, Sparrow JM, Johnston RL, Intraocular lens formula constant optimization and partial coherence interferometry biometry: Refractive outcomes in 8108 eyes after cataract surgery, J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011 Jan;37(1):50-62
Chen YA, Hirnschall N, Findl O, Evaluation of 2 new optical biometry devices and comparison with the current gold standard biometer, J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011 Mar;37(3):513-517
Depending on experience of operator and eye conditions
Rivero L, IOLMaster Version 5 vs. Lenstar LS900, presented at 2010 AAO – MEACO Joint Meeting in Chicago, Illinois
R. Varsits, N. Hirnschall, B. Doeller, O. Findl; Increasing the number of successful axial eye length measurements using swept-source optical coherence tomography technology compared to conventional optical biometry; presented at ESCSR 2016
Proof for “precise”: Clinical data of Prof. Findl / Dr. Hirnschall presented at ESCRS 2013 – technically verified pre- / intraoperative matching precision ± 1.0° in mean.
Proof for “efficient”: W. Mayer (2017). “Comparison of visual outcomes, alignment accuracy, and surgical time between 2 methods of corneal marking for toric intraocular lens implantation”. JCRS, October 2017
Clinical data of Dr. Black presented at ESCRS 2014 – 99% of patients had a postoperative refractive cylinder within +/- 0.50 D.