Turning complex into clarity.


  • Best Digital Visualization
  • Cobotic Assistant
  • Connected Intelligence

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Join the digital (r)evolution

Simplify your surgical workflow

Complex surgeries require clear solutions. Introduced in 2017, our groundbreaking KINEVO® platform from ZEISS set a new benchmark in assisting surgeons with additional insights for better clinical decisions, while reducing complexity and manual repositioning.

Now, it has undergone a (r)evolution to become the ZEISS KINEVO 900 S and takes on the challenges of modern ENT surgery in university and teaching environments.

Best Digital Visualization

Best Digital Visualization

for unsurpassed exoscopic image clarity

Delicate functional tissues and tiny anatomical structures, e.g. in the ear, require extreme precision when manipulating these regions.

Best Digital Visualization offers an unparalleled view in native 4K 3D digital image quality. It enables exoscopic procedures and a more ergonomic posture, more effective team involvement, and extended training opportunities. In digital and optical modes, its enhanced ZEISS INFRARED 800 and DepthPro capabilities support intraoperative decision-making.

Experience a new dimension of clarity – ZEISS KINEVO 900 S

Native 4K 3D image quality

Work exoscopically with ease

Native 4K 3D imaging and 4K video recording provide highest standard in digital visualization with more lines, resolution, and colors than ever before. By combining synchronized video and appropriate depth-of-field settings, the image even surpasses optical quality in some situations. This enables exoscopic approaches and delivers ergonomic benefits. 

Due to the hybrid visualization concept with presets facilitating the exoscopic set-up and the flexibility to switch back to oculars when needed, ZEISS KINEVO 900 S is the ideal device to get started with exoscopic approaches.

Head-mounted display

Head-mounted display

Keep the surgical site in front of your eyes

The innovative, lightweight head-mounted display1 (HMD) shows high-definition images in both 2D as well as 3D and ensures optimized positioning of the entire surgical team. Thanks to direct plug & play with ZEISS KINEVO 900 S, students and assistants can now see what the main surgeon sees and the entire team is engaged.

Video presets to go exoscopically in no time

Predefined video settings simplify your work, while synchronized video settings for camera and screen provide greater confidence and time efficiency, e.g. when working completely exoscopically.

Gain information on different anatomical layers with predefined or user-specific settings.
Visualize finest structures with maximum contrast and color.
Enjoy an optimized field of view for exoscopic approaches.
Brilliance Mode in clinical use
Brilliance Mode in clinical use

Brilliance Mode in clinical use

Visualization during cerebellopontine angle tumor (acoustic neurinoma)

By adding vibrant colors and higher contrast, Brilliance Mode enhances visualization during the shown acoustic neurinoma surgery. Gain additional insight and improve image quality for your case presentations when needed.


Get deeper insights

For deep-located procedures, DepthPro provides greater depth of field in digital and optical mode. With the freedom to predefine custom settings, you can see everything in your field of view in focus whenever needed – for enhanced efficiency and precision in your procedures.

Depth pro in clinical use
Depth pro in clinical use

DepthPro in clinical use

Visualization during cerebellopontine angle tumor (acoustic neurinoma)

Get more insights into different anatomical layers. The example shows how DepthPro increases depth of field, allowing more details to be seen in the surgical field during acoustic neurinoma surgery.

Microscope-integrated Intraoperative Fluorescence options



    utilizes indocyanine-green (ICG) imaging technology to visualize vascular patency and perfusion of grafted tissue. The enhanced live overlay enables a real-time assessment of flow.

  • ZEISS FLOW 800

    ZEISS FLOW 800

    uses ZEISS INFRARED 800 video data to provide a more convenient visual assessment of the increase in fluorescence intensity during a procedure.

  •  ZEISS BLUE 400

    ZEISS BLUE 400

    visualizes the fluorescence of PpIX to support the intraoperative differentiation between diseased and healthy tissue during fluorescence-guided tumor resection.


    ZEISS YELLOW 5602,3

    highlights green-yellowish fluorescence-stained structures while leaving the non-stained tissue in its natural-like color.

Cobotic Assistant

Cobotic Assistant

for a better performance with robotics

During complex ENT procedures, you need your full attention with as little interruptions as possible. Therefore, seamless collaboration between surgeons and advanced technologies is essential.

Collaborative robotics, known as cobotics, foster a working partnership between you and the ZEISS KINEVO 900 S. By utilizing robotics and AI functions, the Cobotic Assistant reduces the need for manual readjustments and helps you keep your hands in the surgical field.

Keep your focus – ZEISS KINEVO 900 S


Stay in focus

Especially during cases with high magnification needs like peripheral nerve repair, it might be necessary to repeatedly, manually adjust the visualization system. Using a closed AI-trained algorithm to identify surgical tools and center the field of view to the tips, AutoCenter enables hands-free positioning and ensures optimized illumination, visualization, and documentation when activated by the foot control panel.

Voice Assistant

Say “Hey KINEVO”

During complex surgeries, keeping your hands in the surgical field not only saves time, but it also keeps your focus on the task at hand. A unique Voice Assistant functionality has been implemented in ZEISS KINEVO 900 S, which allows intuitive interaction with the system using voice commands.

Improved Robotics

Improved Robotics

Move your system effortlessly

During microsurgical procedures, the visualization system needs to be repositioned multiple times to ensure best visualization of the surgical field. The stand’s kinematic design assists you in addressing this challenge. Supporting robotic functions such as Z-Mode, PointLock, PositionMemory, Park & Height Assistant as well as Inertia Reduction, which allows to achieve smoother and more precise movements with minimal effort, enable more convenient and accurate microscope positioning.

Robotic functionalities in detail

  • Z-Mode


    enables a movement function, which only moves along the optical axis, keeping the center and size of the visualized anatomical structures.

  • PositionMemory


    stores any position as a bookmark to be recalled. This allows you to precisely position the microscope back to a specific anatomical landmark in the surgical field of view.

  • PointLock


    allows the microscope head to be repositioned easily while keeping the point of interest focused on the center of the field of view, allowing as well the keyhole movement.

  • Park & Hight Assistant

    Park & Height Assistant

    permits to define specific “no-fly-zones”, which help you park the device after your surgery (Park Assistant) or define your OR height as maximum height (Height Assistant).

Connected Intelligence

Connected Intelligence

for teaching, peer exchange and proactive services

In dynamic teaching environments, it is essential for a smooth and efficient process to immediately transfer and utilize the collected data across systems, and share it with a wider audience.

To meet this need, ZEISS KINEVO 900 S provides access to leading digital solutions from ZEISS to simplify data management, facilitate peer exchange, and ensure uptime of your system.

Get connected – ZEISS KINEVO 900 S

 ZEISS Surgical Cloud

Manage your data

with ZEISS Surgical Cloud

Managing data for documentation, collaboration, peer exchange, and education can be very time-consuming. With integrated interfaces to all common hospital systems, our cloud-based solution enables you to securely synchronize, access, and share recorded images anytime, anywhere.

Broadcast your expertise

with ZEISS Livestream

Teaching and knowledge sharing can be limited by OR space or distance. Our integrated livestreaming solution allows you to simply schedule live surgeries, send invitation links to remote participants, and stream your procedure to a broad audience around the world in real time.

ZEISS OPTIME complete+

ZEISS OPTIME complete+

Ensure uptime

For efficient OR planning, it is essential that your systems are up and running. You can ensure guaranteed uptime4 with OPTIME complete+, a new generation of digital, connected services.5 Powered by data-driven insights, ZEISS OPTIME complete+ provides proactive and convenient services that you can benefit from an optimal system performance and proactive risk mitigation.

Gain the extra in efficiency

with additional functions and accessories

  • Graphical User Interface

    Graphical user interface

    is intuitive and modern and comes on a high-definition touchscreen.

  • Optical accessories

    Optical accessories

    include a wide range of optical tubes, ensuring a comfortable position.



    allows to look around corners and eliminate blind spots – for better clinical decisions.

  • Foot Control Panel

    Foot Control Panel

    conveniently controls up to fourteen different functions – including AutoCenter.

  • Draping


    with SMARTDRAPE® and AutoDrape® function supports an efficient OR preparation.

Technical Specifications ZEISS KINEVO 900 S
Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications


Read more about the technical specifications and the pre-defined packages of the ZEISS KINEVO 900 S.


  • KINEVO 900 S for ENT / PRS Brochure EN

    22 MB

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If you want to have more information on data processing at ZEISS please refer to our data privacy notice

  • 1

    System combination under development. Not available for sale. Only for co-observation and training purposes.

  • 2

    Please use the fluorescent agent as per the approval status for the application in your country.

  • 3

    Cleared as an accessory to a Class 1 device for the visualization of blood flow.

  • 4

    As defined in the terms & conditions of the OPTIME service contract.

  • 5

    OPTIME complete+ services and feature availability depend an system and local accessibility. Not all features are available for all systems.

  • 6

    Glomus Tumor Resection: Application image courtesy of Janina Hahn, MD, University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany

  • 7

    Explorative middle ear surgery: Application image courtesy of Wolfgang Gstöttner, MD, University Hosptial AKH Vienna, Vienna, Austria

  • 8

    Acoustics Neurinoma: Application image courtesy of Andreas Raabe, MD, Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland

  • 9

    Lymphovenous anastomosis using INFRARED 800: Image courtesy of Chieh-Han John Tzou, MD, Hospital of Divine Savior, Vienna, Austria

  • 10

    Right temporal Craniotomy for AVM using FLOW 800: Image courtesy of Dr. Robert F. Spetzler, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA