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Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) have long been considered an occupational hazard in dentistry.1 Over 70% of dentists suffer MSDs due to awkward positioning and poor posture. This can lead to chronic fatigue and pain, most commonly neck and back pain.1,2 Pain levels have been shown to increase significantly with increases in working time and age,1 and can lead to long-term disability.2 MSDs are also associated with lower productivity and early retirement3 – 7.5% of all dentists stop working before their retirement age for health reasons.3
This can all be solved with an ergonomically designed dental microscope. A microscope allows you to sit upright and adopt a neutral posture, decreasing pain and stress on your body.4 Over 75% of dentists found that using a dental microscope had a positive effect on their neck and back pain.5 Working in a comfortable posture allows you to fully focus on your patient and their procedure, and increases your productivity.6
A dental microscope can offer other ergonomic benefits, such as improved vision and reduced eye fatigue, common in dental professionals and corresponding to increasing age.7-9
The minute, the day I started using the microscope everything changed for me. My back, my neck, my shoulders, my hands, my eyes, my dentistry and my life all improved.
Is back pain holding you back?
45% of dentists suffer from back, neck and shoulder pain.10 Utilizing a dental surgical microscope is associated with advanced ergonomics as confirmed by over 75% of dentists.5
7,55% of all dentists need to stop working before their retirement age (67) due to health reasons which are partly a result of bad ergonomics.3 Working with a dental surgical microscope can help you gain time to treat more patients.
Muscle overload
Dentists confirm that working with an ergonomic microscope helps to prevent neck and back pain.5
Static overload
77% of dentists confirmed that the use of a dental surgical microscope for magnification in dentistry has a positive effect on neck and back pain.5
Dynamic overload
Rotating your hips or your torso and working with raised shoulders or a tilted neck can cause discomfort during treatments. A dental surgical microscope can prevent pain caused by a non-ergonomic working posture.
Customer voice about ergonomics
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The ergonomic benefits of a microscope
Reduced pain and injury, more comfortable working conditions and improved vision, allow you to provide the best treatment to your patients without worrying about your own health.
Gopinadh A, et al. Ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorder: as an occupational hazard in dentistry. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013;14:299-303. [Abstract]
Jodalli PS, et al. Posturedontics: How does dentistry fit you? J Pharm Bioallied Sci 2015;(Suppl 2):S393–S397.
Neddermeyer W. Aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Ein besonderes Behandlungskonzept. In Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen (August 2011). Berlin
Ng A, et al. Musculoskeletal disorders and working posture among dental and oral health students. Healthcare (Basel) 2016;4:13.
Zaugg B et al. Influence of magnification tools on the recognition of artificial preparation and restoration defects (in German). Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 2004;114:890-896. [Abstract]
Perrin P, et al. Visual acuities of dentists in their respective clinical conditions. Clin Oral Investig 2014;19:2055-2058.
Eichenberger M, et al. Visual acuity of dentists under simulated clinical conditions. Clin Oral Investig 2013;17:725-729.
Yadav VS, et al. Periodontal microsurgery: Reaching new heights of precision. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2018;22(1):5-11.
Kerschbaum Prof. Dr., T. & Hilger Dr., M. (2000). Der Zahnarzt und sein Körper. Ergonomie heute - eine Umfrage. In Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen (September 2000, p. 38 - 42). Berlin