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Sharing up-to-date knowledge about prevention and individual cases
As a dentist, it’s your responsibility to educate your patients and provide all the facts.9 When dentists take the time to do so, it results in greater trust between the patient and doctor. Transparency produces trust and confidence.9 Pictures […] can also be helpful when patients go home and are questioned by their family members about the need for care.9 Focusing on patient education can increase patient retention and case acceptance, two primary goals for dental offices and may be one of the most rewarding parts of being a healthcare provider.9
We show [the images] to the patient and he can check his own situation. This is very important for us, because you want him to be aware of what is happening in his mouth. If you see your problem big, you think it is big.
ZEISS EXTARO 300 for connection, communication, documentation, and education
The integrated camera allows you to take high-quality photos, that you can use to help your patients understand and engage more strongly with their treatment plan.1 In doing so you can provide assurance about treatment outcomes, building trust and strengthening your dentist-patient relationship.1-3
Stronger patient relationships will increase your reputation in the community for providing the highest quality care and using the latest technology to ensure optimum patient outcomes.
Customer voices about Digital Patient Communication
ZEISS EXTARO 300 with ZEISS Connect
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ZEISS EXTARO 300 with ZEISS Connect
Easily educate your patients and show them the value of your work.
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Shakibaie F and Walsh LJ. Violet and blue light-induced green fluorescence emissions from dental caries. Aust Dent J 2016;61:464-468.
Van As GA. Digital documentation and the dental operating microscope: What you see is what you get. Int J Microdent 2009;1:30-41.
Suehara M, et al. Digital video image processing from dental operating microscope in endodontic treatment. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll.2012;53(1):27-31.
Van As GA. The use of extreme magnification in fixed prosthodontics. Dent Today 2003;22(6):93-99.
Joo S et al. Video transparency: A powerful tool for patient safety and quality improvement. BMJ Qual Saf 2016;25:911-913.
Linger W. Advantages for patients under the dental microscope. Available from:
Rystedt H, et al. Seeing through the dentist's eyes: video-based clinical demonstrations in preclinical dental training. J Dent Educ 2013;77:1629-1638.
Robinson PB and Lee JW. The use of real time video magnification for the pre-clinical teaching of crown preparations. Br Dent J 2001;190:506-510.
Dr. Gina Dorfman | Paperless Dental Software, Practice Management; 7 Effective Dental Patient Education Strategies; Nov 30, 2016