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Residual astigmatism is one of the key factors impacting the visual quality of patients after cataract surgery.1 If astigmatism is left untreated, patients will not be able to achieve the best potential visual acuity without glasses and partially lose contrast sensitivity.2 There are several factors influencing the correction of astigmatism during cataract surgery, such as preoperative keratometry readings, lens rotation and surgically induced astigmatism.3 Recent surveys have shown an increase of toric IOL usage due to the availability of supporting technologies in adopting a toric workflow.4
When it is the wish of the patient to see far without glasses after cataract surgery, then you might need to put in toric IOLs in more than 50% of the cases.
Astigmatism management with toric IOLs
Leading ophthalmologists share their long-term experience
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Follow Dr Wolfgang Mayer to one of the largest university eye hospitals in Europe. Get deeper insights how he and his team established an efficient astigmatism management workflow in a large university clinic for Cataract surgery.
Saving time in the OR
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Dr JØrgensen and Dr Rocha talking about the importance of treating astigmatism during cataract surgery by using a toric IOL.
Correction of astigmatism
Comprehensive workflow to make treating astigmatism your new standard of care
Chi, Q., Yang, T., & Chen, Y. (2022). A systematic review and meta-analysis on intraocular lens implantation with different performances for the treatment of cataract. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 11(1), 260-271. doi:
Fus, M., & Pitrova, S. (2021). Evaluation of Decentration, Tilt and Angular Orientation of Toric Intraocular Lens. Clincal Ophthalmology(15), 4755-4761.
Sipos, T. B. (2021, October). Corneal surgically induced astigmatism in resident surgeons. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings, 35(1), 28-31. Retrieved from