ZEISS Axioscan 7 for Biology

ZEISS Axioscan 7

Your High-performance Slide Scanner for Fluorescence, Brightfield and Polarization

Digitize your specimens with Axioscan 7 – the reliable, reproducible way to create high-quality virtual microscope slides. Axioscan 7 combines qualities that you would not expect to get in a slide scanner: high speed digitization and outstanding image quality plus an unrivaled variety of imaging modes are all available in a fully automated and easy to operate system.

  • Fast automated scanning of up to 100 slides in a single run
  • Robust scan performance for continuous 24/7 operation
  • Easy-to-create scan profiles with intuitive wizards
  • Rapid switching among fluorescence, brightfield, and polarization
  • Sophisticated filter concept for demanding fluorescence imaging

Combining Scanning Performance with Application Freedom

The most challenging research tasks as well as your routine scanning applications are supported by powerful hardware and perfectly featured software. Capture virtual slides quickly with high-speed scanning, while retaining consistently high quality, whether you want to capture brightfield, fluorescence or polarized light images.
24/7 Scan Performance

24/7 Scan Performance

From an automated system, you expect absolute reliability for continuous operation. ZEISS Axioscan 7 repeatedly produces digitized slides at dramatically improved speed, thanks to hardware components designed for extended, uninterrupted operation. A fully motorized condenser, powerful light sources and sensitive cameras ensure 24/7 scan performance, whether you have many similar slides or mixed applications to process. Easily assigned scan profiles allow acquisition runs to be set up quickly. Axioscan 7 software is built to flawlessly process large amounts of raw data – in the range of several terabytes.

Automated Application Flexibility

Automated Application Flexibility

ZEISS Axioscan 7 allows rapid switching among fluorescence, brightfield and polarization scanning modes, with the highest quality fast and gentle imaging fully available to you in each of these modes. Benefit from contrast flexibility and high scan speed when digitizing HE-stained tissue samples or other brightfield applications. Fast filter wheels and a spectral range up to far red excitation light expand your fluorescence imaging capabilities – in combination with the new sample-preserving contrast method Transfer of Intensity Equation, multiplex imaging reaches a new level of performance. The combination of all imaging modes let you extract maximum sample information with a minimum of effort.

Automated slide scanning and detailed studies on other ZEISS microscope systems combined in a ZEN Connect project

The Bigger Picture

Slide Scanning within the ZEN Environment

ZEN Slidescan is integrated within the powerful ZEN imaging software universe, which provides access to numerous additional processing and analysis functions. ZEN Connect, the ZEISS software for correlative microscopy, enables more advanced workflows – from automated slide scanning to detailed studies on other microscope systems. The established CZI data format opens the possibility to use additional third-party data analysis tools. With ZEN Data Storage and ZEN Data Explorer, you can access and share your scanned data from anywhere, at any time.

Caption: Automated slide scanning and detailed studies on other ZEISS microscope systems combined in a ZEN Connect project

Axioscan 7 Imaging Modes

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit.
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit. Sample courtesy of Ultivue, Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Sample courtesy of Ultivue, Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit.

Nuclear counterstain (blue), CD8 (green), CD68 (orange), PD-L1 (red), panCytoKeratin (magenta).

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit.

Highly Productive Fluorescence Imaging

Speed, gentle treatment and the optimal wavelength are critical when it comes to multispectral fluorescence imaging. Axioscan 7 employs swift and reproducible LED illumination, fast filter wheels, and a sophisticated filter concept to efficiently separate a broad range of fluorescence channels.

  • Shortest possible exposure times for maximum specimen protection
  • Fast switching between up to 9 fluorescence channels
  • Perfect spectral separation for advanced fluorescence multiplexing applications
  • Unparalleled information density without compromising data quality

A Variety of Super-fast Brightfield Imaging Modes

Mouse kidney wound healing assay, stained with sirius red, brightfield. Sample courtesy: Alexander Lomow, Evotec
Mouse kidney wound healing assay, stained with sirius red, cross linear polarization. Sample courtesy: Alexander Lomow, Evotec
Mouse kidney wound healing assay, stained with sirius red. Left: brightfield, right: cross linear polarization. Sample courtesy: Alexander Lomow, Evotec

The newly designed condenser with its motorized modulator disk allows automatic switching between different brightfield imaging modes to adapt to the different requirements of your applications, opening a new range of experiments and modality combinations.

  • Dramatically improved scan speeds in all brightfield imaging modes
  • Better sample detection and focusing
  • New phase and relief contrast options
  • Circular and linear polarization now fully supported

The Axioscan 7 brightfield imaging performance is driven by a motorized condenser and a powerful white light source

Discover the Details

The Axioscan 7 brightfield imaging performance is driven by a motorized condenser and a powerful white light source
Motorized modulator disc
Motorized aperture diaphragm
Motorized linear polarizer
Circular polarize
WL-LED light source

TIE Contrast

Improved Detection. Better Focusing. More Context.

Using the new contrast method Transfer of Intensity Equation (TIE) for contrast generation in transparent samples, you record the interaction of a narrow cone of light with your sample’s structures in three images: one in focus, and two out of focus above and below the focal plane. From these three images, the phase information for the central plane is automatically extracted. Continuous acquisition in the z dimension, in combination with flash illumination and GPU-based fast image processing, enables very fast delivery of the final contrast images. You can choose to present this as either phase contrast or DIC-like relief contrast.

Solanum tuberosum – potatoe starch, 20x Plan-Apochromat 0.8; A) TIE phase contrast, B) TIE relief contrast, C) Brightfield
Solanum tuberosum – potatoe starch, 20x Plan-Apochromat 0.8; A) TIE phase contrast, B) TIE relief contrast, C) Brightfield

Solanum tuberosum – potatoe starch, 20x Plan-Apochromat 0.8; A) TIE phase contrast, B) TIE relief contrast, C) Brightfield

Solanum tuberosum – potatoe starch, 20x Plan-Apochromat 0.8; A) TIE phase contrast, B) TIE relief contrast, C) Brightfield

TIE contrast is an excellent tool to aid your experiments when working with sensitive fluorescent dyes:
  • Detect transparent tissues with little to no contrast in regular brightfield mode.
  • Speed the subsequent fluorescence imaging process with very fast flash-based focusing.
  • Protect your sensitive dyes from bleaching during focusing by using the lowest light doses.
  • Bring your fluorescent labels into context easily by applying the additional contrast information.

Light Sources and Cameras

Brilliant Illumination
Brilliant Illumination

Brilliant Illumination

Light Sources for Fluorescence Imaging

Choose between Viluma 7, the super-fast 7 wavelengths LED light source from ZEISS, or the white light LED light source X-Cite Xylis:

  • ZEISS Viluma 7 – 7 wavelengths LED light source

    ZEISS Viluma 7

    7 wavelengths LED light source

    Viluma 7 operates with reproducible output power levels for each wavelength and therefore produces consistent quantitative data for all important dyes, fluorescent proteins and probes. Individual LEDs and integrated excitation filters make an additional filter wheel unnecessary and allow switching times of a few milliseconds between the color channels.

  • X-Cite Xylis – White light LED light source

    X-Cite Xylis

    White light LED light source

    The use of X-Cite Xylis together with a fast excitation filter wheel enables long wavelength sample illumination up to 770 nm. In addition, the green gap – typically a problem with LED fluorescent light sources – is overcome and comparable to classic arc lamps in this spectral range.

Advanced Cameras
Advanced Cameras

Advanced Cameras

For Perfect Image Quality

Axioscan 7 is equipped with the most advanced Peltier-cooled cameras from the ZEISS Axiocam portfolio to support your brightfield and fluorescence applications with state-of-the-art imaging performance.

Color camera Axiocam 705 color

We have implemented the latest color Axiocam, the 705 color CMOS camera. It offers 5-megapixel resolution with a 3.45 µm pixel size and very low noise. With 55 frames per second acquisition speed in Axioscan 7 and a large field of view, Axiocam 705 rapidly accomplishes your brightfield and polarization imaging tasks.

Fluorescence camera Axiocam 712 mono

Axiocam 712 mono is the perfect choice for your fluorescence imaging applications. It offers small pixels (3.45 µm), fully capturing the resolution potential of the high numerical aperture optics, and a very low readout noise. Use camera binning of 2x2 pixels for increased sensitivity.


ZEISS Axioscan 7 at Work

Reproducible Image Quality

ZEISS Axioscan 7 offers reliably reproducible image quality, no matter if you repeat your imaging task after a day, a week, a month or on a different machine.
Paraffin-embedded mouse kidneys from healthy wildtype animals (12 weeks). Nephrin stained with Cy3. PCNA APC (FarRed) and DAPI as counterstaining. Imaged with 20× NA 0.8 objective.

Paraffin-embedded mouse kidneys from healthy wildtype animals (12 weeks).

Paraffin-embedded mouse kidneys from healthy wildtype animals (12 weeks). Nephrin stained with Cy3. PCNA APC (FarRed) and DAPI as counterstaining. Imaged with 20× NA 0.8 objective. Florian Gembardt, Experimental Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Germany
Florian Gembardt, Experimental Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine III, University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Germany

Nephrin stained with Cy3. PCNA APC (FarRed) and DAPI as counterstaining. Imaged with 20× NA 0.8 objective.

Paraffin-embedded mouse kidneys from healthy wildtype animals (12 weeks). Nephrin stained with Cy3. PCNA APC (FarRed) and DAPI as counterstaining. Imaged with 20× NA 0.8 objective.

Colon sample from a patient with Crohn’s disease, imaged with 20× NA 0.8 objective. Green: Cox-1 in Tuft cells in the epithelium – the sensory cells of the gut – and cells in the lamina propria connective tissue. Red: CD 163 – a macrophage marker. This image represents research content. ZEISS explicitly excludes the possibility of making a diagnosis or recommending treatment for possibly affected patients on the basis of the information generated with an Axioscan 7 slide scanner.

Colon sample from a patient with Crohn’s disease, imaged with 20× NA 0.8 objective.

Colon sample from a patient with Crohn’s disease, imaged with 20× NA 0.8 objective. Green: Cox-1 in Tuft cells in the epithelium – the sensory cells of the gut – and cells in the lamina propria connective tissue. Red: CD 163 – a macrophage marker. This image represents research content. ZEISS explicitly excludes the possibility of making a diagnosis or recommending treatment for possibly affected patients on the basis of the information generated with an Axioscan 7 slide scanner. Steen Seier Poulsen, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Steen Seier Poulsen, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Green: Cox-1 in Tuft cells in the epithelium – the sensory cells of the gut – and cells in the lamina propria connective tissue. Red: CD 163 – a macrophage marker.

This image represents research content. ZEISS explicitly excludes the possibility of making a diagnosis or recommending treatment for possibly affected patients on the basis of the information generated with an Axioscan 7 slide scanner.

Colon sample from a patient with Crohn’s disease, imaged with 20× NA 0.8 objective. Green: Cox-1 in Tuft cells in the epithelium – the sensory cells of the gut – and cells in the lamina propria connective tissue. Red: CD 163 – a macrophage marker. This image represents research content. ZEISS explicitly excludes the possibility of making a diagnosis or recommending treatment for possibly affected patients on the basis of the information generated with an Axioscan 7 slide scanner.

Pleurosigma angulatum – diatomes, 20x Plan-Apochromat 0.8; Left: Brightfield, Right: TIE relief
Pleurosigma angulatum – diatomes, 20x Plan-Apochromat 0.8; Left: Brightfield, Right: TIE relief
Pleurosigma angulatum – diatomes, 20x Plan-Apochromat 0.8; Left: Brightfield, Right: TIE relief
  • NSCLC tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit.
  • NSCLC tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit. Picture detail.
  • NSCLC tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit.

    NSCLC tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit.

    NSCLC tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit. Sample courtesy of Ultivue, Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
    Sample courtesy of Ultivue, Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

    Nuclear counterstain (blue), CD8 (green), CD68 (orange), PD-L1 (red), panCytoKeratin (magenta).

    NSCLC tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit.

  • NSCLC tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit. Picture detail.

    NSCLC tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit.

    NSCLC tissue stained with UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit. Picture detail. Sample courtesy of Ultivue, Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
    Sample courtesy of Ultivue, Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

    Nuclear counterstain (blue), CD8 (green), CD68 (orange), PD-L1 (red), panCytoKeratin (magenta).

    Picture detail.

Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Tissue

The UltiMapper I/O PD-L1 kit from Ultivue addresses whether a tumor is “hot” or “cold” and responsive to immune checkpoint inhibition because of a high immune filtrate (hot), in contrast to tumors with low immune infiltrates called “cold tumors” or non-T-cell-inflamed cancers – by exploring multiple cell phenotypes such as cytotoxic immune cells (CD8), immunosuppressive macrophages (Markers CD68, PD-L1) or immune evading tumor cells (Markers CK, PD-L1). The following images represent research content. ZEISS explicitly excludes the possibility of making a diagnosis or recommending treatment for possibly affected patients on the basis of the information generated with an Axioscan 7 slide scanner.

Imaging in Action

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel

  • Learn how the ZEISS Axioscan slide scanner is used to support a numerous experiments in neuroscience including understanding the innervation patterns of different neuromodulors, visualization of extended brain regions in a single experiment and localization of electrodes and grin lenses.

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