
Treating a wide range of cataract patients with a unique ZEISS Optic



  • Optimized visual outcomes1
  • Excellent stability
  • Intuitive injector handling

Discover Key Benefits of CT LUCIA 621P from ZEISS

  • Introducing the new ZEISS CT Lucia 621P
  • CT Lucia campaign
  • Product Overview: ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P
  • Exploring the ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P IOL with Dr. Seth Pantanelli

Optimized visual outcomes1

Designed to be less susceptible to decentration1

CT LUCIA® 621P IOLs from ZEISS, with ZEISS Optic features, are designed to reduce spherical aberration and at the same time optimize visual outcomes1 in the event of potential decentration and lens misalignments.  ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P is uniquely designed to deliver optimized visual outcomes1 for a wide range of cataract patients.

Excellent stability

ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P IOLs feature a reinforced optic-haptic junction, coupled with step-vaulted C-loop haptics, designed to enable easy centering while maximizing direct capsular contact, thus optimizing stability and supporting a consistent position in the bag.

Excellent stability

Proven in practice

For US FDA premarket approval of ZEISS CT LUCIA® 621P, a US clinical triala using the ZEISS CT LUCIA 611Pb as study device was performed in a multicentric setting by 23 US surgeons over 15 sites.

The ZEISS CT LUCIA® 611Pb exhibited excellent refractive stability in the first post-operative year with minimal and insignificant changes in the manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE).


a) Schallhorn SC, Bonilla M, Pantanelli SM. Outcomes of a multicenter U.S. clinical trial of a new monofocal single-piece hydrophobic acrylic IOL. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2022 Oct 1;48(10):1126-1133.

b) The results of the ZEISS CT LUCIA 611P US IDE study are applicable to the ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P IOL. Bench studies have demonstrated equivalent performance between the ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P IOL and the ZEISS CT LUCIA 611P IOL.

How to implant the ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P?

Easy to prepare. Smooth and controlled injection.

Surgeons sharing their experience2

Both the intraoperative experience and patient outcomes have been very positive. Delivery of the preloaded lens was very smooth using the new injector system

Dr. med. Rüdiger Schmid FEBO Senior Consultant accuratis. Practice for Refractive Eye Surgery, Ulm & Eye competency centre Dillingen (Donau), Germany

Early experience with the aspheric ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P

  • CT LUCIA 621P Case of the month Dr. Schmid US

    263 KB

Product & Portfolio insights

  • CT LUCIA 621P Compendium Digital version US

    3 MB
  • CT LUCIA family, OVD & Injector Offerings EN

    579 KB

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  • 1

    The data is taken from a simulation. The transferability of the results of such a simulation to patients with an actual implanted intraocular lens has not yet been scientifically proven. Whether the simulated impressions correspond to the actual visual impressions must be clarified in future invasive studies.

  • 2

    The following surgeon evaluation is based on the ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P CE 0297 (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG). ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P CE 0297 (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG) and ZEISS CT LUCIA 621P FDA approved (Carl Zeiss Meditec Production, LLC) share the same intended use and performance characteristics.