High-end FIB-SEM​

ZEISS Crossbeam​

Targeted for the third dimension​

The combination of scanning electron microscope (SEM) and focused ion beam (FIB) makes it possible to specifically cut into material on the smallest scale (nanometer range) and directly image the material structure below the surface. Typical applications include precise localization and chemical analysis (EDX) of local defects. ​

  • Best 3D resolution in FIB-SEM analysis
  • Two beams, ions, and electrons
  • Sample preparation tool
  • Extended use thanks to the optional femtosecond laser
  • EDS, EBSD, WDS, SIMS, plus more on request

ZEISS Crossbeam for industry

Experience a new quality in the testing of your samples.​

Prepare thin lamellae for their analysis in TEM (Transmission electron microscopy) or STEM (Scanning transmission electron microscopy). ZEISS Crossbeam offers a complete solution for preparing TEM lamellae, even in batches. ​

The low-voltage performance of the ion-sculptor FIB column supports high-quality lamellae and avoids amorphization of delicate specimens. Use a simple workflow to get started and wait for automatic execution. Benefit from endpoint detection software that provides accurate information about the thickness of your lamella.​

The optional femtosecond laser is used for material ablation and the improved access to deeper structures as well as for the preparation of large samples.

Fields of application at a glance

  • Local cross sections, e.g. at defect sites (growth defects of thin films, corrosion, trapped particles, etc.)​
  • TEM lamella preparation​
  • High-resolution cross-section investigations in transmission (STEM)​
  • 3D tomography of microstructure or local defects​
  • Processing of structures via targeted material removal​

Learn more in our videos about ZEISS Crossbeam

  • Fast 3D failure analysis.correlative workflow solution from ZEISS.​

  • ZEISS Crossbeam Laser: Optimize and automate processes with LaserFIB​

  • Learn more about the sample-in-volume analysis workflow.​

  • Watch the video about our correlative workflow solution! Learn how easy it is to use your data across technologies with ZEISS Solutions and how to achieve reliable and efficient results.​
    Fast 3D failure analysis.correlative workflow solution from ZEISS.​
  • 1. Gain rapid access to deeply buried structures 2. Perform laser work in a dedicated integrated chamber to maintain cleanliness of your FIB-SEM main chamber and detectors 3. Automate laser processing, polishing, cleaning and transfer of the sample to the FIB chamber 4. Prepare multiple samples e.g. cross-sections,TEM lamellae, pillar arrays Work efficiently by using pre-installed recipes for different materials​
    ZEISS Crossbeam Laser: Optimize and automate processes with LaserFIB​
  • Explore the sample-in-volume analysis workflow, a new instrument able to solve multi-scale materil challenges in one single correlative ecosystem. Using a range of microscopy techniques this workflow enables the user to understand the material properties linked to each scale.​
    Learn more about the sample-in-volume analysis workflow

FIB-SEM failure analysis on car body parts​

  • Due to greater manufacturing quality and cutting-edge surface finishing technologies, defects are now smaller and less frequent. Microscopic methods must therefore be used to find, locate, prepare, and investigate surface defects and their root causes. This brochure outlines a correlative microscopy approach for efficient investigation during failure analysis.​

  • 01 Overlay of laser-milled trench on light microscope image of ROI.​

    In this context, light microscopy tasks are handled by the ZEISS Smartzoom 5 digital microscope, preparation and investigation are carried out with the ZEISS Crossbeam laser, and both systems are correlated by ZEISS ZEN Connect for precise defect relocation in the FIB-SEM.​

  • 02 Laser-milled cross section through surface defect, suspicious feature visible beneath paint layers; SEM, SESI, 50x.​

    Finding the root cause of sparsely distributed and small defects on large samples for efficient failure analysis requires a convenient workflow of locating, documenting, re-locating, preparing, and investigating regions of interest. ​

  • 03 Suspicious feature in base material underneath paint, laser-milled surface; SEM, SESI, 450x.​

    Scanning electron microscopes with a focused ion beam (FIB-SEM) overcome the limitations of conventional materialographic sample preparation. However, since electron microscopes typically have a limited field of view, it is sometimes easier to perform the localization step on a light microscope. For this reason, users need a system that allows them to localize the image area in the light microscope and then retrieve it in the FIB-SEM.

  • 04 FIB post-polishing, good surface finish with clearly distinguishable features; SEM, InLens, 450x.​

    The ZEISS ZEN Connect software solution combines with ZEISS ZEN Data Storage to provide exactly this. The new femtosecond laser for the ZEISS Crossbeam family also offers location-specific preparation in large areas. With the help of fs-laser and FIB cross-section polishing and EDS analysis, the cause of the surface defects in the above example was determined as carbon fiber scraps. ​

  • 05 EDS element mapping of FIB-polished area; yellow: C intensity, blue: Al intensity, pink: Ti intensity, red: Si intensity.​

    The correlative microscopy approach also enables efficient investigation of more than one area of interest. All results are subsequently saved in a coherent project, with the ZEISS ZEN Data Storage option ensuring full accessibility for further investigation or reporting.​

Overlay of laser-milled trench on light microscope image of ROI; SEM, SESI, 450x. ​


  • ZEISS SEM Brochure A4 EN PDF

    22 MB
  • ZEISS IQS Technical Paper, FIB/SEM, Failure analysis, EN, PDF

    5 MB

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