ZEISS AIMax cloud
Inline measurement technology

ZEISS AIMax cloud

Optical 3D sensor for 100% measurements in cycle time

The ZEISS AIMax cloud sensor generates 3D point clouds directly in the production line and measures highly complex features such as bolts, holes or a weld nut behind sheet metal with just one image. The measurement result is visualized directly after the measurement in the connected ZEISS INDI software.

  • Dense point clouds due to structured lighting
  • Optimized field of vision to capture all relevant feature information
  • Compact sensor design for optimum accessibility
Inline measurement of complex features

Inline measurement of complex features

The measurement of features that are difficult to evaluate, such as rivets, bending edges, surface points or T-pins, is quick and easy with the optical 3D sensor. The projection technology and the high 3D resolution enable measurements of even the smallest features on sheet metal. ZEISS AIMax cloud can also be used in the metrologically traceable inline measuring system ZEISS AICell trace. By using this technology, reliable and meaningful measurement and test data is available with the required accuracy from the very first part. Correlation measurements in the measuring room are thus reduced to a minimum.

Areas of application

Areas of application

ZEISS AIMax cloud can be used for testing assembly and welding processes, for flush and gap measurements in body construction and in final assembly within the automotive industry.

Visualization of the measurement results

Visualization of the measurement results

The measurement results are visualized directly after the measurement in the connected ZEISS INDI software. Feature extraction in the point cloud can be set up quickly and is user-friendly. The software can also be used to perform statistical evaluations and configure the measurement plan. In conjunction with the ZEISS AIMax cloud sensor, efficiency and productivity can be increased and costs minimized:

  • Near-fault identification incl. Q-Stop functionality
  • Downstream evaluation of image files for targeted root cause analysis
  • Evaluation of measurement curves and trends per measuring point
  • Visualization of the generated point cloud
  • Display / visualization of all measurement results on a part

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