Digital Rock Physics and Core Analysis
Advanced Platform for Multiscale Digital Rock Physics
Complex subsurface systems, particularly unconventional resources, are dominated by nanoscale pore structures such as organic-hosted porosity, complex pyritization and inter/intra-granular microporosity. Image and measure core plugs, end trims and rock cuttings, and petrographic thin sections of reservoir rocks at multiple length scales in both 2D and 3D. These length scales, spanning from plug scale (centimeters) to the smallest pore throats (nanometers), require various imaging tools.
Rock Characterization
ZEISS microscopes coupled with industry leading beam and detector stability, means large area scan be imaged with minimal user interaction which allows to solve the principal issues associated with pore-scale analysis by extending and integrating multimodal analyses over scales ranging from the whole core to the nanometer. Use multiscale ZEISS 3D X-ray microscopy (XRM) Versa and Ultra workflows coupled with novel pore-scale core analysis workflows to solve problems where subsurface physics is poorly understood, such as when trying to understand the wettability distribution in heterogeneous mixed wet systems. Extend rock characterization techniques to perform nanoscale 3D imaging using Focused Ion Beam-SEM (FIB-SEM) on the ZEISS Crossbeam series. Industry-leading beam currents and stability as well as a unique imaging-while-milling capability allow imaging at greatly increased throughput, meaning that you can acquire larger, more representative volumes at nanometer resolution. Patented, real-time tracking technology enables nanoscale isometric voxel sizes. This method also enables real-time slice registration, which minimizes the loss of data from post-acquisition registration and subsequent cropping. This integrated capacity offers a step change in your capability to understand subsurface processes, allowing you to investigate reservoir rocks, and the oil and gas that flow through them like never before. You can also rapidly digitize reservoir rock samples to extract reservoir-quality indicators such as macro and micro porosity, grain size and sorting, and mineralogy, sharing with your analytical labs or collaborations using the ZEISS Axioscan, the ultimate slide scanner for virtual petrographic microscopy.

In Situ Core Analysis
Examining reservoir rocks at the pore scale poses challenges due to multiple simultaneous physical processes. ZEISS solutions, including X-ray microscopy and integrated geomechanics, offer a universal platform to directly observe processes like wettability changes, relative permeability, pore occupancy, mineralogy changes and reactive processes with in situ techniques. These solutions enable dynamic imaging and characterization, guiding the creation of accurate pore scale digital rock models, leading to improved macroscopic behavior predictions.