Paleontology & Palynology
Refine the Dating of Lithological Successions and Reveal past Environments
Modern microscopy solutions allow us to reveal finer details, in 2D and 3D, than has ever been possible before. The enhanced image clarity and resolution allow the more precise identification of palinomorphs, aiding in the exploration of their microscopic features.
Learn how you can gain a deeper understanding of the past, unraveling the secrets of ancient life, ecosystems, and environments with the help of ZEISS microscopy solutions.
The microscopic examination of fossilized specimens, in 2D and 3D, helps to elucidate:
By examining microtextures and mineralization patterns, paleontologists can better understand the conditions that contribute to successful fossilization, helping to identify biases and improve interpretations. ZEISS microscopy techniques allow for the detailed examination of even small or fragmentary fossils, providing valuable insights into their structure and morphology. This can help in reconstructing complete organisms or understanding the organisms based on limited fossil remains. Non-destructive imaging of irreplaceable samples can be accomplished using multiscale 3D X-ray microscopy. This allows you to make 3D morphological measurements on internal structures without interfering with the sample in any way.

Through the use of various microscopy techniques, palynologists can identify and classify pollen grains and spores, study morphological features, and make inferences about the plants from which they originated. ZEISS microscopy solutions allow for the examination of fossilised pollen grains and spores, providing valuable insights into plant evolution, ecology, and environmental changes.