Vocational Training and Continuous Learning
Receive Certifications and Meet Quality Requirements
Whether you want to receive a vocational training in histology, cytology, hematology or gynecology, you need to develop expertise in staining methods such as hematoxylin and eosin staining (H & E staining), as well as sample preparation and observation with microscopes.
Benefit from Vocational Teaching and Continuous Learning
When working in a lab, continuous learning or vocational training is mandatory for you to receive certifications and meet quality requirements. You need to maintain your knowledge and skills related to your professional life. Whether in the training of students and postgraduates, or for consultation and joint discussion of blood smear samples or stained tissue, you need to have the same brilliant microscopic image at the same time for all observers. Together in a team you evaluate and discuss the samples. You can use the classic multidiscussion system for training and consultation situations, as well as in the medical world - for example when teaching students, or when jointly assessing specimens.