Electron Microscopy for TEM Users
ZEISS@Customer Center Oberkochen
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Event Agenda
Talks | June 20, 2023 | 5.00 pm | ZEISS Forum
5 PM |
Registration |
5.30 PM |
Welcome and Appreciation |
Stefan Groß, ZEISS |
5.40 PM |
ZEISS Service concept - Best-Effort-Service for TEM products as from 01.10.2023 |
Stefan Groß, ZEISS |
6 PM |
Dinner in the ZEISS Forum with Museum Tour |
Event Agenda
Talks | June 21, 2023 | 8.30 am | ZEISS Forum
8.30 AM |
Registration |
8.45 AM |
Ultrastructural investigation of stressed beta cells within the endocrine pancreas using Correlative Electron Microscopy - from STEM to TEM |
Dr. Dagmar Kolb, Managing Director of Core Facility Ultrastructure Analysis, Graz |
9.30 AM |
State of the art SEMs - multi modal imaging tools for biomed applications |
Jörg Lindenau, ZEISS |
9.45 AM |
Coffee Break |
10.15 AM |
Neurons on tape – assessing neurodegeneration by 2D and volume SEM |
Dr. Martina Fetting, Head of SyNergy Nanoscale Hub, München |
11.00 AM |
Processing, analysis and visualization of EM data |
Dieter Lauer, ZEISS |
11.45 AM |
Lunch |
12.45 PM |
Transfer to Microscopy Customer Center |
Individual Hands-On Sessions
June 21, 2023 | 1 PM | ZEISS Microscopy Customer Center Europe
1 PM | Session 1 |
Recent development in serial block face imaging - ZEISS GeminiSEM 360 |
1 PM | Session 2 |
3D FIB-SEM Tomography - ZEISS Crossbeam 550 |
1 PM | Session 3 |
STEM Imaging and Array Tomography - GeminiSEM 560 |
1 PM | Session 4 |
arivis Image Processing |
5 PM |
Discussion |
5.30 PM |
End |
Coccospheres made up of calcium carbonate plates which are secreted by the microalga coccolithophore. Image acquired with ZEISS Gemini. Courtesy of A. Gónzales Segura, D. Molina Fernández, I. Sánchez Almazo, University of Granda, Spain
ZEISS Crossbeam
Segmentation of cellular components from the high resolution datasets that can be captured using FIB SEM technology ensures that internal components can be characterized and quantified. This image shows a 3D reconstruction of algae Golgi body based on FIB-milling raw data. Courtesy of Dr Louise Hughes, Oxford Brookes University, UK
arivis Vision4D
arivis Vision4D is your modular software for multi-channel 2D, 3D and 4D images of almost unlimited size, highly scalable and independent of local system resources.Automated 3D serial imaging of HeLa cells with ZEISS Crossbeam FIB-SEM. Courtesy of Anna Steyer and Yannick Schwab, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.
ZEISS Customer Center Europe
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