Join us on EMC | 26 - 30 August 2024
Remote Microscope Demo Sessions
Experience the Latest Innovations in Microscopy
Visit ZEISS booth at EMC to discover the latest microscopy innovations. Explore new technologies in virtual reality and demo ZEISS microscopes by connecting with our customer centers worldwide.
Choose the microscope that best suits your research needs and schedule your demonstration today. Get ready to elevate your research to the next level with the unmatched quality and precision of ZEISS!
Remote Demo Sessions Overview
We will offer several remote demo sessions of our unique portfolio, combining cutting-edge microscopy solutions and modular software solutions for a wide-range of applications across various sectors. Please do not hesitate to visit our booth A1 and reach out to our on-site colleagues to explore the live-demo offering and experience our full-range portfolio.
Monday 26. AugustTuesday 27. AugustWednesday 28. AugustThursday 29. AugustFriday 30. August
10 - 11
Lightsheet 7 with arivis Pro
Lightsheet 7 with arivis Pro
Lightsheet 7 with arivis Pro
Lightsheet 7 with arivis Pro
Lightsheet 7 with arivis Pro
11 - 12
GeminiSEM 360 with Volutome
GeminiSEM 360 with Volutome
GeminiSEM 360 with Volutome
13 - 14
Lattice Lightsheet 7
Lattice Lightsheet 7
Lattice Lightsheet 7
Lattice Lightsheet 7
Lattice Lightsheet 7
14 - 15
LSM 980 with Dynamics Profiler
LSM 980 with Dynamics Profiler
LSM 980 with Dynamics Profiler
LSM 980 with Dynamics Profiler
15 - 16
Celldiscoverer 7
Celldiscoverer 7
Celldiscoverer 7
Celldiscoverer 7
16 - 17
GeminiSEM 360 with Volutome
GeminiSEM 360 with Volutome
Monday 26. AugustTuesday 27. AugustWednesday 28. AugustThursday 29. AugustFriday 30. August
10 - 11
Advanced VersaXRM
Crossbeam 350 Laser
Advanced VersaXRM
Sigma 360
Advanced VersaXRM
11 - 12
GeminiSEM 460
GeminiSEM 460
Crossbeam 350 Laser
Crossbeam 350 Laser
Crossbeam 350 Laser
13 - 14
GeminiSEM 460
Advanced VersaXRM
Crossbeam 350 Laser
Advanced VersaXRM
14 - 15
Advanced VersaXRM
Crossbeam 350 Laser
Advanced VersaXRM
Sigma 360
15 - 16
GeminiSEM 460
GeminiSEM 460
Advanced VersaXRM
Advanced VersaXRM
16 - 17
Advanced VersaXRM
Crossbeam 350 Laser
Sigma 360