Lunch & Learn@BioLabs HEIDELBERG

Boost Your Image Analysis with AI and VR

Accelerate your research with reliable results

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Experience the power of VR & AI for enhanced microscopy image analysis in 3D

Enjoy the benefits of enhanced visualization, powerful analysis capabilities, AI integration, and scalable processing to accelerate your time to reliable results. Learn how image analysis for translational research can become more productive in an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) environment.
Imagine just walking into your sample and reviewing it up close in 3D, from inside out. Imagine collaborating with colleagues to evaluate and then tweak your AI-driven, automated results. You can do this and more with ZEISS arivis software solutions.

Join us to discover innovative ways to explore your sample and advance your science. On May 7, 2024, at 10:00 AM at BioLabs Heidelberg, we invite you to experience ZEISS arivis software solutions hands-on, with VR in an interactive workshop.

Key Learnings

  • Automate your efficient image processing and analysis
  • Train AI models on the cloud or locally
  • Proof results with immersive productive VR environment
  • Benefit from scalable image analysis


May 7, 2024
BioLabs Heidelberg

9.30 AM


10 AM

Welcome & Introduction
Dr. Tamara Manuelian, Business Development Software Solutions, ZEISS arivis
Dr. Oliver Tress, Business Development Software, ZEISS Microscopy

10.30 AM

Come, engage, and network with ZEISS experts, delving into the realms of AI/VR firsthand.

12.30 PM

Lunch & Discussions

Speaker Dr. Tamara Manuelian Business Development Software Solutions, ZEISS arivis
Speaker Dr. Oliver Tress Business Development Software, ZEISS Microscopy

Register now

Limited spots available. Register early to ensure your participation.

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BioLabs Heidelberg

BioLabs Nikola-Tesla-Str. 1 69124 Heidelberg Deutschland