Journey into the Cellular World
Exploring 3D Live Cell Imaging Techniques
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10 - 10.30 AM
Online Presentation: Question & Answer Session
- Mandatory Sample Preparation Session for ZEISS Lattice SIM and ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7. Participation is strongly recommended for a successful demo.
9 AM
Thomas Zobel, Universität Münster, Multiscale Imaging Centre
Sven Laarmann, ZEISS
9.15 AM
News and views on modern fluorescence microscopy - An overview.
Angnes von Keller, ZEISS
9.45 AM
3D Live cell imaging and super-resolution - How does it fit together?
Jan-Erik Heil, ZEISS
10.30 AM
Coffee Break
11 AM
Artificial Intelligence (AI) based image analysis – How to start with arivis cloud.
Noemi Castroviejo Jimenez, ZEISS11.30 AM
Questions & Answers
12 PM
1 PM
System Demonstration á 60 min in small groups
- Gentle super-resolution live cell imaging with ZEISS Lattice SIM 3
- Adaptable automation for advanced workflows with ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7
- Image Analysis with arivis and ZEN including Artifical Intelligence (AI) strategies
Including 30 min coffee break
4.30 PM
Hands-on demonstration - Test your own specimen
Register for an individual hands-on demonstration and test your own specimen using the Lattice SIM 3 or Celldiscoverer 7. Participation in the sample preparation presentation is strongly recommended for a successful demonstration.
Select your demonstration in the form
Gentle super-resolution live cell imaging with ZEISS Lattice SIM 3
Adaptable automation for advanced workflows with ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7
Lattice SIM
Gentle Super-Resolution Live Cell Imaging with Lattice SIM 5
Celldiscoverer 7
Adaptable Automation for Advanced Workflows with ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7
Image Analysis with Arivis and ZEN including Artifical Intelligence (AI) strategies