ZEISS Multimodal Microscopy Solutions for Catalysts
Heterogeneous catalysts are a broad and versatile set of engineered porous materials of high surface area and surface functionalization. Automotive catalysts, for example, have removed billions of tons of pollutants from entering the atmosphere since their deployment in the 1970s and must withstand lifelong service lives. Catalyst structure-property relationships are complex, determined by porosity, particle size, voids, and adhesion between substrate, washcoat base layer, and precious metal active components. They can therefore be challenging to image and characterize at high resolution and in three dimensions.
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ZEISS GeminiSEM images of catalyst nanoparticles

Node in perovskite catalyst, 4,000x, InLens detector, ZEISS GeminiSEM 560

Magnified overview of perovskite catalyst showing exsolved platinum nanoparticles, 11,000x, InLens detector, ZEISS GeminiSEM 560

Detail of node in showing terraced perovskite support and morphology of platinum nanoparticles, 23,000x, InLens detector, ZEISS GeminiSEM 560

High resolution imaging and detail of platinum nanoparticles and terraced formation in support, 65,000x, InLens detector, ZEISS GeminiSEM 560

Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC)
Characterizing new materials down to the nanometer scale
Segmented 3D volume of a polymer electr olyte fuel cell membrane electrode assembly. Gas diffusion layer fiber weaves are visible in green and magenta, microporous layer in blue, catalyst in yellow, and electrolyte membrane in red.

Automatic statistical layer thickness measurement of multilayer coating system from cross-section image
Taking your research to the next level
ZEISS high resolution light, electron and X-ray imaging and compositional analysis solutions provide you with multiscale insight that can drive improvements in materials development, and your grasp of complex failure mechanisms. Whether your requirement is to examine material interfaces, surface defects and topography, perform microstructural analysis, cross-sectional composition analysis or non-destructive analysis through bulk material, we provide the illuminating solutions for maximum understanding of waterborne chemistries.
Microscopy Solutions for Catalysts
How ZEISS microscopes are used and which value they bring to your production.
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