We're looking forward to Your Talk
- Talks will be 15 minutes long, with a 5-minute Q&A session following
- Presentations will be shared with the speakers permission
The User Group Meeting is a live two-day meeting with a full program of technical presentations, social events, and networking. A varied program of informative and practical presentations from our global users and technical experts from industry and research awaits you on-site in a beautiful setting.
Attendees will have the opportunity to share with other users during a series of interactive sessions, and will also get a preview of technological advances. One of our goals is the exchange of ideas and experiences with the community, so there will be time for Q&A and opportunities for networking over dinner.
4th ZEISS Natural Resources Users Group Meeting took place on the 23 - 24 April 2024 in Beijing, China. The year before in 2023, it was hold in Granada, Spain.
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